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I'm a book junky! I really, really, really... love books! I read everything I can manage to find! But if I'm not interested in a book until the 3rd chapter, I just let go! I like manga, animes, cartoon and comics too! (^_^)! And I'm Disney n°1 fan! Yeah! I also love music, gospel music more than anything else! And good movies when I can find some! I'm fluent in english, as well as italian and a few of spanish, and japanese too (but can't read nor write), but my mother tongue is french! Currently, I work as a lawyer, law adviser, french teacher, and I'm taking human ressources courses! I like to write too when I've got time, which is difficult right now ! *Sigh* But above those things, I love JESUS! I love Him so much, and I want to let the whole world know! I'm addicted to Him! He saved my life in so many ways I can hardly figure all that out! He's my best friend, my savior, my resting place, my passage way to Heaven, my everything...I couldn't have been there if not for Him
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