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New rider-- again
Mechanics help please. 97 Suzuki Bandit 1200 problem?
After the engine gets hot, the RPM will increase without my changing throttle position. Also the RPM increase doesn't cause an increase of road speed.
I'm thinking it is either a clutch going bad or a problem with a bearing or shaft in the transmission. ( happens in 5th gear.) Which is more likely and are there any other things to look at? (It was down pretty hard at some time in its life before I bought it)
4 réponsesMotorcyclesil y a 1 décennielooking for song title --RAP the lyrics are something like ---?
this is the way we live... little boys riding big wheels .... so we just lay low and chill....
6 réponsesRap and Hip-Hopil y a 1 décennie