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I am a young dentist from Montreal, Canada who loves his job, loves to travel and loves photography :-) Visitez mon site: http://www.studiodentaire.com
Tooth whitening, what do you think?
I have just finished updating an article on tooth whitening. Can you tell me what you think, and tell me if it has helpful information?
Here is the link: http://www.studiodentaire.com/en/treatments/whiten...
2 réponsesDentalil y a 1 décennieExiste-t-il un pays qui défend complètement la cigarette?
J'ai vaguement entendu qu'il y avait un pays ou il était complétement interdit de fumer. Est-ce vrai? Et si oui, quel est ce pays?
6 réponsesSanté et démarches administrativesil y a 1 décennieMonopoly on games.com, how do points get counted?
When I play monopoly on games.com, if I win a game I get just a few points. But when I lose a game they remove a lot of points from my score.
Does anyone know precicely how these points are counted?
2 réponsesVideo & Online Gamesil y a 1 décennie