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Why did HRC, a career politician, wage a campaign in which she blew a billion dollars preaching to the converted in states like California?
She has run for President before and should have been intimately familiar with the Electoral College, but all she did was pander to the huge population centers...which were already in the bag as bastions of Liberalism. What was she thinking? Did she drink too much of the DNC's Kool-Aid?
4 réponsesPoliticsil y a 4 ansDetroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Ferguson...besides poverty and violence, what do these cities have in common?
Liberal leadership for decades. Why do the sheeple keep putting the same party in power every election cycle, when nothing ever gets better? What do they call it when you keep doing the same thing, over and over, and expecting a different result?
4 réponsesPoliticsil y a 5 ansI have two questions for the liberal lemmings that continue to support Hitlery Clinton.?
1 Can you finally see the level of corruption that she is involved in? 2. If she can't be trusted to keep National Security secrets safe, how can you trust her to keep the country safe?
9 réponsesPoliticsil y a 5 ansWhat's the point of asking a political question if you ban anyone who has an opinion that differs from your own?
See GayTeacher or LosAngelosTeacher or whatever he calls himself nowadays.
10 réponsesPoliticsil y a 6 ansWhy do Libs get all butt-hurt when a white person shoots a black person, but they couldn't care less about the daily black-on-black?
or black-on-white shootings across the country? Is it just logistics? Can't Al and Jesse afford the gas to jump from Chicago to New York to LA and back 10 times a day?
9 réponsesPoliticsil y a 7 ansIs Alan Combs trapped in a time warp?
His "Blame Bush" levels are so high, I swear he thinks it's still 2009!
9 réponsesPoliticsil y a 7 ansWhy do the anti-gun advocates think that every gun owner is an expert marksman?
I mean, I'm a pretty good shot but I'm not perfect...and in the heat of a life-and-death situation, my aim may be just a fraction off. So why do they want to limit the number of rounds my magazine can hold? If I empty my magazine and the threat is still there, I can't call "time out" while I run to the store and buy more rounds (since I don't carry around an extra mag and a box full of ammo).
11 réponsesPoliticsil y a 7 ansHas anyone else noticed that mornings on Y!A belong to the right and afternoon is all left?
Is it because Republicans have jobs and they are up early while Democrats are free to sleep until noon since they have no place to be until their meeting with the parole officer?
10 réponsesPoliticsil y a 7 ans