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Steve C
Why did MicroSoft improve MS Office 2007 so much that you can barely use it now?
If a car manufacturer made everybody switch to new cars that had the gas, brake, steering wheel, door locks and everything else imaginable in a different place, wouldn't the consumers get a little miffed?
1 réponseSoftwareil y a 1 décennieWhat are the lane traffic laws regarding motorcycles in MD DC & VA? Is it legal to go between rows of cars?
Specifically...I see riders cutting between lanes at red lights all the time, especially when traffic is backed up. Is it legal? I'm looking for facts not opinions on this. Thanks
3 réponsesCommutingil y a 1 décennieAfter Market Belt Drive?
Is it possible to get an after-market belt drive? I'm wondering how hard it would be to convert a bike over if the materials are available. I'm looking for an actual source, not just a "yes they're available."
4 réponsesMotorcyclesil y a 1 décennie