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Kristina L
I live in Florida and travel as much as possible. I'm overeducated and underemployed. I read like a crazy person, so I tend to have tons of completely useless information stuck in my brain. Luckily, sometimes that info gets useful on this sight. :) Atheist Pro-Choice Pro-Death Penalty Pro-Military Anti-Socialism Anti-Hatred & Bigotry Pro-Gay & Lesbian Rights Global Warming skeptic (but pro-environmental responsibility) Compulsive Reader Photographer World Traveler Over Thinker Slacker Hitler Gets Suspended on Y!A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLBACofOFz4 "Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche] Sick of the stalkers and the report monkeys. Too hard to keep track of my contacts.
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