Le 4 mai 2021, la plateforme Yahoo Questions/Réponses fermera. Elle est désormais accessible en mode lecture seule. Aucune modification ne sera apportée aux autres sites ou services Yahoo, ni à votre compte Yahoo. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur l'arrêt de Yahoo Questions/Réponses et sur le téléchargement de vos données sur cette page d'aide.
Previously known as Quadrillian.
So what time do you suppose YA will close down?
I'm guessing around 9am when the first YA folks arrive at the office. I'll try to get in a final post before then.
But if not, bye to all the trolls, bye to the people who genuinely wanted to learn, bye to the long-suffering folks who tried to give some sort of sane answers here.
Not sure if I'll join another forum, as I really don't have the time. The beauty of YA was that it was possible to toss together an answer over a coffee and just trust on knowledge rather than spend time preparing to defend every point in the answer.
I am looking into getting a paid gig, probably in book form, so you might have to suffer my rants in that format eventually. Otherwise I have too many other projects to work on to be dispensing wise-cracks, insults and sarcasm online just for the fun of it.
3 réponsesAstronomy & Spaceil y a 1 semaineIs the the best astro photo on YA?
I wanted to show you all that you don't need expensive cumbersome equipment to take great astro photos. Here is one I have been wanting to share with you all for some time, but I guess it's now or never.
So here we are folks. Titan and Mars like you've never seen them before. With a bonus quote from Carl Sagan in the background.
1 réponseAstronomy & Spaceil y a 1 semaineAnybody else sick of captcha. Any way to turn it off?
Every answer demands a captcha. If anyone wonders where I got to (or cares), I will be avoiding YA until this practice disappears. I'm not here to assist any organization with their spyware.
5 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 2 ans