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How should I approach this girl from the bus.?
So Ive seen her in school somewhere and we smiled at each other. But since that I didnt interact with her :D
Anyway I saw her on my bus today but I didnt know what to say so I looked like a total creep :X
What should I tell her if I sit near her?
Like hi, nice weather today right? Btw my names ___ and from there its easy. I just don know how to start.
Thanks for answers and have a good one
Singles & Datingil y a 6 ansHow to get to know a girl on a bus?
So I was on a bus yesterday and this beautiful girl sat like 2seats away from me. I smiled at her and she looked at me too. I wanted to go up to her but I kind of didnt have the balls to do it. I wasnt sure what would I say. Like should I just come up to her shake hands and say my name to her?
Or how should I start the conversation?
3 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansHow to pick up girls on the street?
Hey there. So yesterday I was waiting on a stoplight and I saw this beautiful girl. I wanted to go up to her, get her phone number and walk away like a boss again :D but I didnt have the balls to do it. From that moment Ive been thinking of how to pick up girls I randomly see on the street and never seen yet. Should I just go up to her knock on her shoulder and say: Hi, my name's Jack. (She responds with her name). Currently Im in a hurry but would you like to go out with me sometime? (Yeah sure/No sorry I have a boyfriend). And uh do you have facebook or something? Or just give me your phone number;). And then I'd probably just go away. Can you write how you would pick up girls or how could I improve this? Thanks
PS; Im 17
2 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansHow to pickup girls on the street?
Hey there. So yesterday I was waiting on a stoplight and I saw this beautiful girl. I wanted to go up to her, get her phone number and walk away like a boss again :D but I didnt have the balls to do it. From that moment Ive been thinking of how to pick up girls I randomly see on the street and never seen yet. Should I just go up to her knock on her shoulder and say: Hi, my name's Jack. (She responds with her name). Currently Im in a hurry but would you like to go out with me sometime? (Yeah sure/No sorry I have a boyfriend). And uh do you have facebook or something? Or just give me your phone number;). And then I'd probably just go away. Can you write how you would pick up girls or how could I improve this? Thanks
PS; Im 17
2 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansHow do you greet a girl on a first date?
So I got this girl's number on wednesday and we have a date on saturday and Ive been wondering how should I greet her, should I kiss her on the cheek or hug her or what? Btw we're 17
1 réponseSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansHow to pick up girls on a bus or on the street?
Hey there. So yesterday I was waiting on a stoplight and I saw this beautiful girl. I wanted to go up to her, get her phone number and walk away like a boss again :D but I didnt have the balls to do it.
From that moment Ive been thinking of how to pick up girls I randomly see on the street and never seen yet.
Should I just go up to her knock on her shoulder and say: Hi, my name's Jack. (She responds with her name). Currently Im in a hurry but would you like to go out with me sometime? (Yeah sure/No sorry I have a boyfriend). And uh do you have facebook or something? Or just give me your phone number;).
And then I'd probably just go away.
Can you write how you would pick up girls or how could I improve this?
2 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansWhat should I do in california?
Hey ya. Im going to visit USA, LA, california in summer and I decided to make a list of things I would like to do there. I would appreciate if you wri
1) I'm gonna try Taco Bell
2) Go to 10th planet jiu jitsu and train there a little
3) Go to the grocery and buy all the american sweets
Give me ideas please!
Btw I'm 17 so no strip clubs or monuments
2 réponsesPrimary & Secondary Educationil y a 6 ansYour favorite DnB songs or remixes?
Hey there I was looking for some new songs to add to my playlist (dnb mostly). My favorites are for example PNAU - Embrace or Skrillex & Jumo Daddy - Recess VIP(Wilke mashup).
Let me know what are your favorite songs!have a good one
1 réponseOther - Musicil y a 6 ansCoolest fighter hairstyles?
Hey I'm going to cut my hair soon so I would like you guys to post some ideas of some sick fierce hairstyles for me. Im pretty muscular and I want other people to have respect for me. Thanks
1 réponseHairil y a 6 ansEsk mi naygen anyad?
Himgoro fenamye isk alfun mufando, et me pormenda posqua perfemchio alla mekor, pemd hi alkaba mi dkogragio. Posquéla la?
1 réponseSoftwareil y a 6 ansOhms law question?
Hey could someone please explain me how should I draw a scheme that describes Ohm's law? I know the definition and this picture but my teacher saif that it's not enough last time. So could anyone please give me a picture of a detailed scheme of Ohm's law
Thanks and have a good one
1 réponsePhysicsil y a 6 ansHow do I poop?
Hey I just woke up in my bed and I'd like to poop. How do I do it?
5 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansMy anus hurts after having anal with my boyfriend?
Hey guys, me and my boyfriend Jeff did anal about a week ago and it still hurts extremly. He is ni gga so his penis is pretty huge and I knew its gonna hurt because I gave him some HJs and BJa and especially I knew that its gonna hurt alot for the first time but it hurts way more than I expected. I have bern having immense pains for too long already.
Im a 14 year old boy so idk if my hole is in its final form if that matters.
Thanks for answering
PS: Dont say stuff like I shouldnt be doing that and its wrong to be gay bcz I love Jeff.
7 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansWhy underhooks?
Hey I started MMA like a week ago and Id like to ask why is everyone trying to get double underhooks in. Is it so they can just connect with their own arms and slam their opponent?
3 réponsesMartial Artsil y a 6 ansCant hug/cuddle with girls?
Hey guys, every time a girl hugs me or she just wants to cuddle I get an erection. I love just cuddling with girls without any sexual actions but I always start feeling that I have a ***** and I have to do something completely fkn random and stop cuddling with her which is not romantic at all.
Help is appreciated, thanks
1 réponseSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansCommon farting?
Hey recently Ive been farting alot. I dont know why. I drink only water and I hate when I have to hold it. Any tips?
Thanks for your answers
2 réponsesMen's Healthil y a 6 ansMy skin is whiter in the morning?
When I see myself in the morning in mirror my whole body seems to be a few shades brighter than later in the day or at night. Why is it brighter in the mornings?
3 réponsesOther - Skin & Bodyil y a 6 ansMy sixpack in the morning?
Hey guys, every time I wake up and look at my stomach, my sixpack isn't as visible as usually (during the day or at night). I really have nicely toned abs but in the morning it looks like im just a skinny kid. Why's that?
1 réponseDiet & Fitnessil y a 6 ans