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Lv 752 189 points

Ramis V

Réponses favorites34%
Réponses9 032
  • help system?

    The second failure is about the help system on the online mail version.

    I followed the help link to find an explanation and a fix on the previous bug but all the subjects were very basic problems (when everything works on your side)

    So I clicked on the link "contact us".

    I was driven to a page asking me to choose a subject for which I contact you, I selected "POP access and forwardind" and then again, all the subject were about how an idiot should set everything when it works.

    I tried to click on all the sub-families but all of then drive to new existing articles and none of them allows the promised "contact us".

    I thought a "contact us link" is specially usefull if none of the articles can solve the problem... or you've really fixed all of them ?

    Tell me how then.

    2 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 4 ans
  • failure of the spam handling when using POP3?

    Sorry if this is the wrong address for this query, please forward to the development team.

    I've just noticed two major failures on the yahoo mail system.

    When reading mails with a POP3 client, I don't get the ones you identify (always errorously) as spam.

    A spam is a message neither required nor desired by the receiver.

    As you are not in my head, you'll never guess which ones I required nor the ones I desire.

    But this is a long debate and I'm just fine if I can get all of them in my local inbox and sort them myself.

    I am sure this feature worked no so far ago.

    I remember I've activated a setting associated with the POP3 access asking to download the spam messages with a [SPAM] prefix in the subject line.

    I've double checked this setting is still existing and active but your mail processing software simply ignores this.

    Please take this in account and make a fix as soon as possible.

    I'm quite shocked that you just dropped an important message from a potential employer and I just couldn't imagine that a big company like yahoo could fail at so simple task : delivering a message to the receiver.

    The second failure is about the help system on the online mail version.

    2 réponsesSending and Receiving Messagesil y a 4 ans
  • énergie gratuite ?

    mouvement perpétuel, fusion froide, difficile de faire le tri dans tout cela. en faisant des recherches sur le web, je finis toujours par tomber sur des sites de pseudo-science, d'ufologie, ou pire...

    Je visite régulièrement depuis 10 ans le site très complet de Jean-Louis Naudin


    dans l'espoir de trouver une nouveauté. Certaines expériences sont naïves, d'autres m'interpellent. Bien souvent, on peut trouver la faille. Par exemple, il est naturel de voir la tension d'une batterie au plomb augmenter au début de la décharge. Ou bien, un tube fluorescent alimenté en haute fréquence semble éclairer plus qu'il ne devrait, ce qui peut être un phénomène de mémoire rétinienne...

    J'ai du temps et un peu de matériel, et je suis prêt à faire de petites expériences. Mais je voudrais éviter de perdre du temps pour celles qui sont vouées à l'échec.

    Par où commenceriez-vous? Quel est selon vous la technologie ayant le plus de chances d'aboutir? hydrogène ? aimants?

    21 réponsesPhysiqueil y a 1 décennie