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Réponses3 591
  • Does anyone know anything about the Mega Millions and how it works?

    Well I am from NJ but I didnt win lol. Go figure :) Anyway I did get 3 numbers, does that get me anything? I tried looking on their web site since last night but it isnt working lol.

    3 réponsesGamblingil y a 1 décennie
  • Genital Herpes commercial.....?

    Is anyone else sick of seeing that Valtrex commercial where the guy says "I still dont have genital herpes" and the girl goes "and I still dont!" If I found out a guy I was seeing had herpes there would be no way I would stick around long enough to see if I ever got it from him! That is the most stupid commercail I have ever seen. What do you think?

    11 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • Can you believe?...?

    About Anna Nicole Smith? I can't believe she is dead. She has looked and acted really badly lately but I didnt think she would die. Its going to be intresting now to see why she is dead and who the baby's father is now to see who she will go to! I guess she is with her son now.

    18 réponsesCelebritiesil y a 1 décennie
  • Should we get extra points for..............?

    Answering a celebrity's question? Like get 10 points for answering one of theirs instead of the regular 2. I mean they are celebrities and rich couldn't they give more to the average Joe like us who gives up our important time to answer their questions? lol :)

    8 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • I was thinking........?

    about how mothers feed their babies with tiny little spoons and forks, so I wondered what do Chinese mothers use. Toothpicks?

    16 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • I was thinking about.......?

    how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot more as they get older; then it dawned on me...they're cramming for their final exam.

    4 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • Why do croutons come in airtight packages?.......?

    Aren't they just stale bread to begin with?

    2 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • Do infants enjoy infancy as much as.........?

    adults enjoy adultery?

    8 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • If people from Poland are called Poles.....?

    then why aren't people from Holland called Holes?

    13 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from......?

    diarrhea...does that mean that one enjoys it?

    8 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • Ever wonder ......?

    about those people who spend $2.00 apiece on those little bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backwards: NAIVE

    15 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • Isn't making a smoking section in a restaurant like......?

    making a peeing section in a swimming pool?

    24 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • If the M&M comercial was true....?

    What color and style M&M would you turn into?

    I would be a red plain M&M :)

    19 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • Men: Can a woman rape a man? Serious question.....?

    My hubby and I were talking about this last night and he said no, a man can not be raped by a woman. If he isn't in the mood it doesn't matter if a woman is touching him or anything, if he isnt in the mood he isn't into it he cant get it up. So how could a man be raped if this is true? And I dont mean being sodomised either I mean straight sex rape. Yes there could be medication involved but even that doesn't just make you ready to go, you have to be in the mood for the penis to get erect, the pill doesnt just get a man hard. So what do you think? Can a woman really rape a man?

    31 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • Guys: Can a man get raped? Serious question.....?

    My hubby and I were talking about this last night and he said no, a man can not be raped. If he isn't in the mood it doesn't matter if a woman is touching him or anything that would turn him on. If he isn't into it he cant get it up. So how could a man be raped if this is true? Yes there could be medication involved but even that doesn't just make you ready to go, you have to be in the mood for the penis to get erect. So what do you think?

    12 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • Has anyone taken a medication for PMS?

    Has anyone or is anyone takeing YAZ birth control for PMS? My OBGYN gave it to me bec of my bad PMS. I dont need it for birth control I have been fixed after my 3 kids :) I have terrible PMS. I get depressed and angry and moody. I dont want sex or to be touched. I only have 1 good week a month of feeling normal and happy. Then one week I have my period and the other 2 weeks I am a nightmare. Has anyone else had this and what did you do to help it. If you take YAZ did it work? Or did you do or take anything else for it?

    4 réponsesWomen's Healthil y a 1 décennie
  • Has anyone or is anyone takeing YAZ birth controll?

    My OBGYN gave it to me bec of my bad PMS. I dont need it for birth control I have been fixed after my 3 kids :) I have terrible PMS. I get depressed and angry and moody. I dont want sex or to be touched. I only have 1 good week a month of feeling normal and happy. Then one week I have my period and the other 2 weeks I am a nightmare. Has anyone else had this and what did you do to help it. If you take YAZ did it work?

    1 réponseWomen's Healthil y a 1 décennie
  • Did anyone see Saturday Night Live the other night?

    If not here is a link to an outragious Digital Short you have to see! Let me know what you think...


    PS if you see this question again it is bec I have tried 3 times to post it and nothing. It got the boot once today so lets see if it works this time lol.

    7 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • Do you color your hair?

    If so is it the same color as your natrual color? Have you been other colors?

    I do and have been every color other then green and purple lol. Now I am blond but I am naturaly brown.

    42 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie
  • Do you have gray hair?

    If so what age did you start getting them?

    I started getting gray hair when I was 12.

    22 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennie