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Lv 57 017 points


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Réponses1 832

I am a stay@home wife and mother of 3. I am strong in my beliefs of God But I hope just to have fun and learn things and give a positive perspective on the God I believe in. I don't want to change people but just an understanding of Believers. I hope I'll be a good example but I am, by human nature a person that messes up from time to time probably everyday-yes everyday. I had a rough childhood and wasn't raised in church and been on both sides of not caring if there was or were not a God. I have an understanding of respect for an individual belief. I also try to be funny but it may come out as dry humor and not be very funny! Music is great I love to sing and My church has a full band. We Rock!! I am Christian_Non Denominational. http://www.myspace.com/bobbieglakecity

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