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a mon sujet, j'aime tout ce qui conserne la musique, toute medecine, les religions, la bible ....et mon avatar montre tout ce que je suis.
what if you were the one helping your older sister in her pregnancy, how would you feel after she betrayes you?
i've been living in the US for years now i came with my sister and oncle's wife and children. life wasn't so good living with them that i always had this idea to get out of there when i turn 18. after i graduated from high school, my sister came up to me saying that there's this guy who want to go out with her. but that guy leaves in an other country and my cousin had a huge crush on her. but i told her not to go out with them guy cuz he seemed to be a player. after few weeks, my sister came up to me and say that they are going out but there's one problem. He slept with my cousin days before my sister got involved. i thought my sister would stop going out with that guy after sleeping with the cousin, but no she was angry at the cousin intead. and both of them had a little war going on. well the guy had to go back to where he lives, cuz he only came there for a business visite. two or three weeks after the guy left my sister came up to me and told me that she was pregnant. well she was scared and i didn't want to blame it on her but i wanted to be there for her. i asked her no questions, but i was exited for her. a day after i saw her crying, saying that the baby's father sent her money to have an abortion cuz he had nothing to do with the baby.He said he is still young and want to have fun. so, we waited until my dad came to the country to tell him about the pregnancy, and guess what all of them say? "WE DON'T TO SEE THAT BABY, GET RID OF IT, AND NOW..." so she ran away cuz everyone wanted her to have an abortion. everyone except my mom, sister and i. all of them live in africa and the only person who was there close to her was me. so i stood up forher. and when they found out that i was helping her, they kicked me out too. so life became very hard. it came that all of my sister's friend was trying to help her but not in the way that can help really, but the help was my boyfriend and his family. they helped us get an appartement, and everything. i had a full tme job that started from 3pm till 2am. and i ws the only one working.but no matter how hard i was woring my sister wasstill nottreating me right. she yelled at me all the time,she picked fight with me even right after i'm coming from working. and blames me on everything. she didn't like it tha my boyfriend was there, she even told me that kissing is a sin and if i do it i will go to hell. so i asked my man to stop kissing. a months later our mother passed away. and after the funeral, one of our friends, she's very religious and came up to leave with us. like the bible said, in the end even the devil will transform himself into angel of God. my sis and i always fight but when she came in, it got worse. she start to my sis that God showd her i am the reason of her misery and i am a witch. my sister believed. not just that she told my sister that my boyfriend is always a witch. so my sister hated every one and me and my boyfriend was just worse. the friend did everything to separate my sster from me an dyes, she won. after my sister gave birth, she went to live with her friend. and when she goes there she sees me as her worse enemies. people call my phone to yell at me saying that i dont treat her well. one day she finally came back home, we decided to let it all behind. my boyfriend's mom came to us and toldus they are going to a trip in kansas and we all deided to go with them. you know what? my sis has no respect to my boyfriend neighter to his family. we were invited to my Bf's gramma's church and that church only had elder people in it and my sister was looking so desgusted, and started yelling at my Bf infront of everyone at church. so i was so embarassed. on our way back home i decided to tex her and tell her to respect my man so his family. all of the sudden she started yelling, telling people that i boss my Bf, i beat up on him, i am a bad person, i always like to get what i want. saying that my Bf come to her to tell her that he is tired of me but i dont let him break up with me... u know i was speechless that i just started crying. i went up to her and asked her why after all i did for her. you know the answer she gave? I NEVER ASKED YOU TO HELP ME. I WAS OK. YOU SHOULD OF LEFT ME BE HOMELESS WHEN I FIRST GOT PREGNANT. I NEVER ASKED FOR YOUR HELP. AND NOW SHE IS LIVING WITH HER FRIEND WHO TOLD HERI'M A WITCH. U NOW WHAT MY SISTER THE ONE I HELPED CALLED MY OTHER SISTERS BACK IN AFRICA TO TELL THEM I AM A WITCH. and you know what? they agreed with her. guys now i have lost financial aid from school because working full time was killing me. the sister i helped has turned her back, the baby that i wored for, today i dont even know what she looks like. people point finger on me and blame me for things i never did. i lied to everyone to protect my sister( she told everyone she got ript). what would you do if it was you guys?
2 réponsesFamilyil y a 9 ansi want to know how she's thinking of me?
since the death of my mother we had a friend over living with us for a while. im 20 and youngest and i take care of the house payment and few things. one day i had an arguement with my sister and prefered not to talk to her for a while( just to give it sometime). and then our friend put herself in the case and one day after work it was at 3 am she said she wanted to talk to me to end this problem. well i was having a bad day already and just told her that i cant talk right now, it will be better to talk about it before or after school. but she couldn't hear and she started treatig me of being impolite that i dont listen because i work 40 to 50 hours a week and im taking care of the house and even say that im being arrogant. gave me exemple of her brother who work the same hour. believe me the girl was so angry she pulled everything she was feeling out and around 5 am and after the arguement that wasn't hers, she denied what she said then appologyzed abd then after i went to sleep she started praying.( well she's religious). first i had to miss school the next day but had to go to work very sleepy untill 3 am. i spent my day at work crying and thinking about what she said to me. i know i was wrong in some case but i never done it to be arrogant or any of what she said about me.
well the story happened a month ago. but the thing that bothers me is, i don't know what she thinks of me. well she could be so hungry after a long day and when i come back from work, my sister would ask me to buy fast food ( because they couldnt cook they had to work), and if its my money that will buy things she wont eat it. if i buy anything for every body she would say ( oh im fine, i dont want it). while you can tell that she really wanted it. since last weekend she needed to find someone who can give her some money to pay for her phone bill and would give it back. i said i will let her borrow it. but she said its ok she'll find somebody to give it to her. but since then she hasnt find anyone yet.
i'm bothered by the way she's actinng. i feel like she treats me of being arrogant like she said, im bothered because i dont know why shes doing that, and how she sees me. i'm trying hard to give a good impression but her action bothers me that i dont know what she's thinking of me.
please let me know what do you think she thinks of me.
1 réponseFriendsil y a 10 anscan u get pregnant with clothes on?
my friend was making out with her boyfriend, she was wearing a dress and her boyfriend was touching her vigina but didn't take off her underwear. and she's afraid she might get pregnant. it's been two weeks now, and she still wonder. but well i told her to wait to see if she has her period or not. but she has no symptom of gregnancy. she's normal.
10 réponsesPregnancyil y a 10 ansplease i need ur help?
liked this guy at the beginning of this semestre. i knew him because he seemed to be interested in me. and i also liked him because he's such a nice guy, and i even love him. i told him about my feelings for him, he answered me very politly but didn't tell me about how he feels. one day i try to play trick on him by putting my relationshi status into a relationship, and he looked so down those days and it stopped when i talked to him. hee get very happy when we talk, but yet i don't know how he feels and i love him. but the problem is there's this new guy, who shows me romance this three days. and it always happen before the guy that i love. i don't know what to do now. it will not tell me how he feels but the expression on his face tells me something. i wanted to go talk to him, but i don't know if i should aologyze or ask him how he feels for me. i don't want to hurt the one i love but letting the new guy into my door. and i ant u if u can tell me what to say to him, and tell me what i should do just in case the guy that i love loves me to?
please i want u to help me, ur answer will be so helpful cuz i really care about the guy, i don't want to hurt him and i'm about to transfer to another school inside the state, and i don't want us to separate in a very bad way. please
2 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 1 décenniewhat kind of glue do u use to put fake eyelashes?
i was to put one for the first time, but the caution paper keep on saying that it irritate the eyes. is there anything different that u use that do not say that?
Ps: no stupid answers will be accepted. thank u :)
2 réponsesMakeupil y a 1 décenniewhat will be the right thing to do for our friendship?
i told him about how i was feeling about him. He answered me very nicely but didn't tell me how he feels about me. but he's also very shy towards me, which i feel uncorfortable because he won't tell me how he feels exactly. one day i tried to change my relationship status on facebook, and the next day i saw him, he was looking down sad, and a little angry, and that was all the time i was seeing
him. and all those bad moods changed when i went to talk to him. and after we talked, i saw that his mood changed and he looked very happy.
but the problem is that im about to graduate and he's staying. and i only have three weeks to go, and now i can see that he's trying to get away, but he still look shy, and a little down.
i wonder what to do. ask him why he's being that way? ask him if he likes me or let him go. cuz i talked to one of my friends and she say that may be he doesn't want to miss me when im gone. but i just don't know. all i want is to still be friends with him
1 réponseLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgenderil y a 1 décenniei just want to know if he likes me?
i met him in my college annual musical. and i actually knew him a week before we perform. he's a very friendly person, but toward me, he's really shy. but no matter how shy he was, he didn't want to pass a day without coming to talk to me. and i could feel that he was doing his very best to approch me. few day after the performance was done, i saw him in hallways and he was looking so nervous and i could see it in his eyes. but he didn't know that i wrote him a letter to tell him that i was interested in him. and he's answer to what i wrote him was really nice and he also thanked me for telling him about how i feel. well the love notes happened on saturday, and on monday, i saw him and he didn't look that much nervous as before. and i couldn't talk to him cuz i was too scared. What do u think i should do next? to talk to him and ask him if he likes me, greet him, shout his name when he's a little far from me, or just let him go.
we're both shy toward each other
i just want to know if he may like me or not.
P/s thoughtfull answers, please!
1 réponseSingles & Datingil y a 1 décenniewhat should i do to help my friend with relationships?
my friend is 19 but never dated cuz she'd been through alot in her younger age that made her afraid to date until now. but eversince she was 18, she decided to face her fear and and get a boyfriend. but the matter is lots of guys think she's hot, they want to go out with her while they already have their girlfriends. others will make her be in love and abondone her. and others would like to go out with her, but they're ashamed to go out with here because of where she came from due to her accent. this is her story: she knew this one guy last year who liked her but my friend didn't like him at first. the guy tried his best to be loved by her but doing that only made it worse. and my friend became mean toward the guy. and after few month it happened that they became friends(which i don't know how). and my friend was already in love with him in just a month of their friendship. she didn't quite tell him how she felt but what she was telling the guy was( u'r a really good friend, i really enjoy being ur friend. im sorry that i didn't like u at first). and at the same times she was afraid that the guy finds out that she loved him. and the reason why she doesn't like the guy to know is that she thinks the guy will not like her due to where she came from( since two guys already told her that she's pretty but her background ruins everything). and after another month the guy became in a relationship with another girl. that was two month ago. and right now she notices that there's another guy who's coming. but she asked me something which i don't really know how to answer. HOW SHOULD I BE TOWARD THE GUY WHO LIKES ME? DO I NEED TO COMPLIMENT HIM? BE MEAN TO HIM? BE QUIET WHEN I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY? BE SWEET TO HIM SO HE WILL STAY? HOW CAN I GO WITH A RELATIONSHIP? it's a little too much question but really want you to help me help her.
(ps) thoughtful answers please!
2 réponsesFriendsil y a 1 décenniehow do you win the school talent show?
my friend is doing her school talent show.
she has a beautiful voice to sing, but she's not comfortable because she doesn't know what to do, or what the judges want from her.
can u help her?
2 réponsesReality Televisionil y a 1 décenniewhen are the function rules more useful?
1 réponseHomework Helpil y a 1 décenniewhen is the recursive rules more useful?
i need it for my math project. can u also help me find a subject out of it?
PS/ no stupid answers
2 réponsesHomework Helpil y a 1 décenniewhat else should i do?
two years ago, in my senior year, there were two guys that i thought were cute since the first day i saw them but i didn't want to fall for them. let call them A, and B.( we were all in the same class). but a week after school started,the guy A approched me. he didn't just approche me but he was always smiling at me, calling me his boo, trying to impress me by his jokes,...and it happened that i've finally fallen for him. and the more my heart was beating,the more i became shy.sometimes i could greet him.i was pretending as if i didn't see him. but he kept on doing the same thing(smiling,..). in the second semester, the guy B became my friend. at first i thought it was only friendship, but it turned out that he wanted to kiss me(he was giving me those sexy look on his face) and he had a girlfriend too. that's why i didn't like the guy B as i did for A. then two weeks before school ends, both friends left. A went to another state, and B was still in the same state. i felt so bad because both of them were gone. but the thing is, in my first year of college, i had many chances to have boyfriends but i couldn't. i couldn't love any guy, i was just thinking about guyA, and i didn't see any guy like him. then a month befor my second year in college starts i decided to try my best to move on, cuz i knew there were nothing that was going to happen between us. may be we won't se each other again, may be he's in love with other girls(he's really cute and handsome, but that wasn't what i liked about him). then i did my best to love another guy, who was also a very good guy.(but i never tell him the way i was feeling, cuz it wasn't sure(my heart was still beating for guy A)). and a month later, i met guy A on facebook. well, we didn't talk that much,cuz i was afraid that he didn't see me as he used to. but all i wanted to do was to tell him about my feelings, maybe it was going to help me move on. after chatting with him, i finally send him a message telling him half of how i felt. i just said thanks for being a nice friend when you were here, i miss you, i enjoyed talking to you than any other guys. and since then, he didn't answer( and it's like 3 days from now) but i saw him online once within those 3 days.
and the worse thing is, i'm feeling the same way again. i want to move on but i can't. there's different guys in my university asking me out, and i go out with them, but everytime i dream about guy A, i don't feel my dates anymore. i just don't know what else to do. becuase telling him how i felt by saying thanks for being my friend and i enjoyed our friendship,was suppose to work and let me live my life, but i just can't. i don't know what i should do. or should i tell him the truth of how i felt for him?i'm just afraid that he might think of me as a crazy girl. a girl who asks guys for dates.
PS/ i'm serious, no stupid answers!
1 réponseFriendsil y a 1 décenniewas i right about my decision? what can i do now?
it is a little bit private but please i need your help. this is my third year in college, and i finally felt that someone wanted to go out wih me. but i'm not that kind of person. i don't accept dating without being sure 100% that you're good guy. ( due of being broken. but i really want to change).
this year, i met a nice guy( this is just want i think).he showed me that he really carred about me. whenever he was talking to me i felt like he was out of his breath, and he always put his eyes on me.
but at first i wanted to know him. so, i openned a facebook to find him and know what he does, how he thinks and everything. and i saw that he had a girl friend. by that day, i stopped thinking about him because i thought that 'his heart or eyes were on someone else. ( but i just kept our friendship).
two month later, he started creating our dead friendship again, then started asking me out.
the problem is that, i like him, i want to be with him but i don't trust him. everytime i try to show my friends a photo of him, they keep saying that the guy is not the right guy. he's annoying, and because i didn't want to be with a guy like that, i just emailed him and said;"i'm sorry but i just like you as a friend but nothing more.". now i just don't know what to do.
1 réponseSingles & Datingil y a 1 décennieplease i need your help about choir?
last year, i tried out for the vocal edition, but i didn't make it.i know it might be because my song was so low. but this time i'm going to sing a good song that matches my voice.i spend time rehearsing. but i also want you to give me an idea about how my physicality should be like. do i have to dance in from of the judges, or what? please if you know about it, can you please tell me what i need to do?
1 réponseTheater & Actingil y a 1 décenniei need to make a choice?
i have a boyfriend, but not really boyfriend. i mean, we met in the party, then i gave him an email adress. and we talk only by texting. but something about him makes me don't want to continue with such relation. i mean, i saw him once and i don't know him really well. but our talking seems romantic but not as friends.
and in the other hand, there is a guy in my new class who's checking me out. he is nice to me, he says good things about me,... and last week i got sick, and i didn't go to school for a week. and one day i texted the guy that i've met in the party to tell him that i was sick and he didn't ask me to know how i was doing, but he asked me to do him a favore and send him something from me.
and when i got back in school, the guy from my school came to me and asked how i was doing and why i didn't come to school. then he said that he missed me.
i want to go for the guy in my school,but i don't know how to tell the guy from the party about that. i don't want to be mean, may he cares about me, but he isn't just my kind. i really need your help.( the reason why i gave him a chance was because i had a broken heart and i wanted to forget about the heartbreaker. but i don't really like him as a boyfriend)
5 réponsesAmitiésil y a 1 décenniewhat does snakes mean in the bible?
i have a cousin who dreams about herself sleeping with snakes. and she can feel it in real life.it's been almost a year since she started dreaming about it. she even told me that her first dream about that snake was that: someone from her family brought a snake in the house and starte telling them that it was there to live with them. but in that dream my cousin didn't like that snake and didn't want to make him comfortable. and no matter how she didnt like it, it was loving her more than every one, that she was coming to sleep with her. she has this dream once or twice a moth. and last week she dream that snake in the book. and she told me that the snake was big, brown and dotted. it was a poisoneus snake but it also got teeth.
i want you to tell me what it mean. and if you pray or read the bible explain me or give me the page in the bible so that i can show her. and in the name of Jesus christ please, pray for her.
5 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décenniei'm worrying about my different personality?
i'm 22. since i was 11, my friends and whoever discovered me was telling me that i have 2 very different personality. my first one is that, i'm a very quiet person, i'm shy,'i work hard in school, and my friends from school tell me that i'm a very serieus girl. and that i prefer studying than having fun with my life. but this personality changes when i'm in action. i mean i'm a singer and a dancer, and everytime i singer or dance, i became someone else. i feel strange with myself. i become a crazy person,i become very sexy, that sometimes i don't image myself dancing in puplic. all these crazy things happen when i'm alone in the house. but when i sing in some places, like school talent show, i become very shy, and very nervous. different from who i am in my house while i sing. and people keeps telling me about my personalities. one day my friend showed me a video about beyonce sasha fierce things. and as she knows how worry i am about my two personalities, she told me that there must be something hidden about that. please i just want you to tell me if it's true.
4 réponsesHoroscopesil y a 1 décenniewhat is your real name?
i need to give a name to my 2 new babies.
8 réponsesMythology & Folkloreil y a 1 décenniewhat kind of life do you live with your step mom/?
whant kind of life do you live with your step mom and your step sisters or step brother?
are their nice to you? if yes, are they fair? does your step mom bless you in your life?
what face does your step mom uses when you tell her that you've been honored? do you ever by accident listen to them gossiping you, and say some bad thing about you? what did you do? do ever tell your dad what happen and your dad didn't believe you?
please tell me, if you have the same problem as me.
that's my true life, i cry every day and ask God why he put me way from my own mom.
if i still alive, it's because i believe that everything we do today will be payed later.
thank you.
1 réponseFamilyil y a 1 décenniecan you please tell me what to do?
my name is colomb, i have a little problem that i need you to help me.
since i was 9, people were telling me that i look like a model.
at 11, i became i model in my school in africa.
at 14, i came in the usa.
but the only one problem is that i'm not confortable when i walk in my school because people look at me like there were something on me, and i don't like it.
yesterday, i listened to two guys from my school talking about me. one was positive and one negative.
the positive one told his friend that he really likes the way i walk, but he wondered why i don't have any boyfriend yet.
and the negative interopted by saying that i do it because i want people attention.
that really hurt me, and i don't know what to do to make them believe that it is natural, and don't force it?
please help me.
1 réponseFriendsil y a 1 décennie