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Réponses favorites9%
  • Best VPN to use?

    I plan on getting a VPN sometime this year, mainly because I use a lot of public WiFi and the free ones have been terrible.

    Which VPN s are the best? Preferably one that isn t going to break a bank.

    Someone mention Nord VPN to me but I don t know if it s any good.


    4 réponsesComputer Networkingil y a 4 ans
  • Are they regretting it?

    Are the Repubs regretting the fact they elected Trump? In just a few days he has already signed a lot of executive orders (after bashing Obama for even doing it once), starting a ban against a religion, causing other countries to stop allowing U.S. Citizens from entering their country, asking the U.S. Citizens to pay for the wall with the crazy promise that Mexico will pay us back (they won't) and so forth?

    As an Independent this was my fears all along, he will be using his power out the gate and worry about less important things, like the attendance of his inauguration

    11 réponsesPoliticsil y a 4 ans
  • Ear swelling and pain?

    I think I gave myself an infection with a q-tip cleaning. My ear hurts, feels plugged and seems swollen (Ear canal or whatever it's called) can I use peroxide to try and kill the bacteria/infection?

    1 réponseFirst Aidil y a 4 ans