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In the Covington Who's Who society's Magazine under this one Title in December will be all but 2 disaster Solutions for all on Earth to see and use if need be, like Hurricanes, Tornado, Typhoons, Cyclones, Earthquake/Quake related tsunami's, Flood, fire containment, Fire, etc. also my new Solution 12 to 15 crops per farm per year, if I'm able to win $5000 a week for life at the end of August, i will implement this Triple, Triple Output farming solution in the middle of large cities and invite other farmers to see how I do it, so they can do it too, but I will sell each crop openly to people at 1979 food prices. I'm also Global Command and my global Teams of all walks of life are awaiting confirmation that we deleted Global Warming. All I need to know is what the Russian farms look like today, Buildings or farms and it must be confirmed. Mike
Why are Verizon's preacher's running this Question's & Answers web site like this? Mike?
Mad at me for answering question truthfully when this site say they dont want true answer's for member's asking question's. That's why their blocking me from answering & they favor muslim's.
1 réponseYahoo Answersil y a 4 ansIs Jennifer Tilly s Dad William Tilly? Mike?
Did Billy Tilly ever live in Detroit, Michigan. On Stahelin St. in the late 1940 s & OR early 1950 s.
2 réponsesCelebritiesil y a 4 ansIn what state is the new Island showing up in the Atlantic? Mike?
In the last month or so An Island has shown up & I was wondering where its located.
2 réponsesGeographyil y a 4 ansWhy no more Global Warming questions?
My Global Teams can find & turn off Global Warming most anywhere. Those Aliens left earth for deep space in May.
3 réponsesGlobal Warmingil y a 4 ansWhy ask a question of who's going to be President in 2020?
Providing anyone in America is alive by 2019 in December. Global Command
5 réponsesPoliticsil y a 4 ansHave each member on this web site still hold their earned levels? Mike?
It used to be when a question is answered 02 points were given to each answer even to answers that may have been wrong.
6 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 4 ansWhy am I not allowed to answer questions? Mike?
I clicked on some questions, but no box for replying came up. WHY
1 réponseYahoo Answersil y a 4 ansDid you know there's a video out showing that Obama was'nt born in America? Mike?
He was born in Kenya.
6 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 4 ansWhat lies outside the unobservable Universe? Mike?
I know for a fact that in one certain area is deep space, but since The Hubble Telescope found an object heading towards us some 23 years from earth can only mean other planets are in deeper space. Mike
5 réponsesAstronomy & Spaceil y a 4 ansWhy is VERIZON black balling me on this web site called Yahoo.com? Mike?
Each time I pick a catagory only the heading is there, no questions.
2 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 4 ansIs it true China owns this web site?
1 réponseSingles & Datingil y a 4 ansCEO of what Company that owns this web site? Mike?
Question was asked Who Now owns this web site & ALL I got for a answer was CEO,
Corporationsil y a 4 ansWho Now owns this web site?
I'd like to know who owns this web site & hates the truth being told to those that want the truth.
1 réponseSingles & Datingil y a 4 ansIs this web site still giving out 02 points for each answer? Mike?
1 réponseSingles & Datingil y a 4 ansWhy is this a bad web site? Mike?
I received ZERO POINTS for the truth & am wondering why this web site is afraid of the truth since others want these answers. Is this web site VERIZON NOW, Maybe I found the problem. Mike
2 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 4 ansWhat is threatening life in & on earth? Mike?
Paris Agreement depends on Scientists theories of each of their locations & thinking Global Warming is Natural of which its not. If by some chance they originally from earth change earths climate. Then all life will die, because the ozone will drop to the ground. http://www.globalcommand.net/
Global Warmingil y a 4 ansWas it a bad deal for Trump to pull us out of the Paris agreement? Mike?
YES. The Paris Agreement was based on Scientists only checking out their areas of 39 years of Global Warming & NOT the CAUSE. http://www.globalcommand.net/ Europe thought G.W. was normal, but was'nt. Mike
3 réponsesPoliticsil y a 4 ansWhen is Great Britain going to get rid of all muslims? Mike?
Their afraid to attack, deport or destroy them. Thats why your prince retired.
2 réponsesPoliticsil y a 4 ans