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  • Has anyone with a cancer condition been told to stop intake of oestrogen!?

    I had been a team manager and one of my team was diagnosed with cancer. (don't know what type) She began to suffer a lot of pain mainly in her back, tiredness etc. Didn't receive a lot of help from Dr's so searched the web for info. Found advice that with certain cancers a reduction of oestrogen which was in most dairy products made real difference as apparently this feeds certain cancers. She checked her diet and cut out all items with this ingredient. I was truly stunned at the change in this lady and how her health and mobility improved very quickly. I am not saying this is a cure but can't understand why this is not widely known or is it just that I did not know about it. Have lost a large number of family to this disease. So has anyone heard this before?

    8 réponsesCanceril y a 1 décennie