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Lv 752 822 points


Réponses favorites30%
Réponses7 185

I am a writer, patiently trying to have my first novel published. I like interesting people and I like to chat. I've always been a sympathetic type, it's one of the reasons I was such a good counselor and therapist. In some ways I'm still a therapist, I just don't get paid for it anymore. I really like Yahoo Answers and gaining points. I've utilized Yahoo Answers while taking a breather from doing some serious re-writng and editing of my manuscript. That's necessary, taking a step off from what's written so I can get back to it with a clearer more objective eye to the saga. So now, onward ho! I must put strenuous effort into making my manuscript a book. Pray for me to have the Lords guidance and wish me luck finding a GREAT publisher! I really need it. Thanx! ';-)

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