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  • Meaning of the word "Liberals."?

    A number of questions are directed to "Liberals." I wonder what that means. In America the world "liberal" is often used to mean those who favor government action to solve a problem. One of the biggest government intervention programs we have ever had is the Pacific Railroad Acts of 1862 and 1864. These programs subsidized western railroads when they issued bonds and also gave then immense land grants which enabled the railroads to make large amounts of money from mining, logging and selling the land to settlers. And after selling the land to settlers the settlers had to use the railroads for transportation because there was no other way to get in and out of their land. The President was Abraham Lincoln and the Pacific Railroad Acts were passed by a Republican Congress. So is this the kind of thing that "Liberals" means?

    6 réponsesCivic Participationil y a 7 ans
  • How does Social Security evaluate hearing loss?

    Recently some have questioned whether or not hearing loss can be disabling. Social Security says yes, it definitely can be. It is considered in "Disability Evaluation Under Social Security," commonly known as "The Blue Book," section 2.00 which deals with Special Senses and Speech. 2.00B addresses hearing loss and how it is evaluated. And it may be so severe that SSA says it "meets the listings." That means it is equal to the levels described in 2.10 or 2.11. To read SSA's rules google on "Social Security Blue Book" and click on 2.00.

    SSA clearly believes hearing loss can be disabling despite the opinions of some who post on Yahoo. Perhaps they should reconsider their position.

    5 réponsesPeople with Disabilitiesil y a 7 ans
  • Why did Britain suppress the Quit India Movement in 1942?

    1942 was a pretty grim time for Britain in the war against the Axis powers. Yet despite all of its losses it found enough British soldiers to suppress the Quit India Movement. And for what? Only a few years later Britain would recognize India and Pakistan as independent nations. I hope someone who can explain the logic here.

    For the record, I am an American and I am pretty ignorant of British history.

    3 réponsesHistoryil y a 8 ans
  • Paying Light Rail Fares?

    I live in New Jersey and I have ridden the Riverline, a light rail from Trenton to Camden and the Newark Lightrail from Bloomfield to Newark Penn Station.

    On the Riverline ticket police will come on the train and look at everyone's ticket, those riding and those getting off at a particular station. They are not on all trains but you see them fairly often.

    On the Newark Lightrail I have never ever seen a ticket police officer board a train. I have seen them at the Military Park Station and at Newark Penn Station but no other stations. It seems to me fare evaders can simply look out the windows and if they see ticket police they can stay on the train to the next station. Then they can buy and VALIDATE a ticket and ride one station back. Even in Newark Penn Station you can ride back a station.

    Does anyone know if this is done?

    2 réponsesRailil y a 8 ans
  • Should I embarrass myself for a good cause?

    My girl friend and I are each 27. She belongs to a charity that is having a fair. There will be at least 100 people attending, adult women mostly but some men too. They want a few guys to go around selling raffle tickets to raise money. The catch is that all I will be wearing in a pink jock strap. That would really be embarrassing for me but I do want to help my girl friends cause because it is important. The organizers say they want the whole thing to be funny because if people are laughing they are more willing to spend their money on the raffle. Shall I embarrass myself by walking around in a crowd of strangers with 3 other guys wearing only a pink jockstrap?

    3 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 8 ans