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My boss keeps putting papers on TOP of my hand. How do I get her to stop?
I work at a computer all day and my desk is kept neat and clear with plenty of table space. When my boss gives me a piece of paper, she will put it on top of my hand when I'm using the mouse. Or, she'll shove it into my elbow, almost giving me a paper cut. I've told her several times to stop and she still does it. I've also pointed out the empty space she can put things. I find it very rude. Especially when I have a huge, clear space on my desk to put things. Any suggestions on how to get her to listen? Thanks in advance.
**I don't know if this helps, but she has one of those controlling personalities...snipping all the time, hands constantly on the hips..very aggressive but jekyl and hyde too. really nice, or really mean and rude..
5 réponsesEtiquetteil y a 10 ansHow do I approach a bigot at work?
My co-worker says the most bigoted comments and I'm ready to say say something to him about it.
Even though I'm a minority, he still says things while I'm around, like I'm invisible. He says the most awful things about anyone that is not like him. Stuff from imitating peoples accents/dialects, making racial and gay jokes, and to saying how someone's last name isn't "American" enough for him.
I've had it with him especially b/c of what he said today. I heard him complaining about a kid's show that teaches them to speak Chinese and he didn't agree with it for his daughters. He was going on and on how the Chinese language sounds awful and it's like they're speaking "Star Wars." He continued to complain about this "Star Wars" language and they should speak English. I'm half Chinese and that was extremely offensive.
So I'm just wondering, what's the best way to approach someone like this in a professional manner? I just want him to know that I'm aware of all these awful things he said and I won't tolerate it.
I work for a very small family business and I have complained once already about him and nothing has been done.
10 réponsesOther - Cultures & Groupsil y a 1 décenniewhy don't I have any video or sound from comcast but I am able to view the tv guide?
I'm using a Motorola DTC2000 box from Comcast. Cable was working fine 2 days ago and now it is not. Everything is hooked up like it should be so I'm not sure what's happening! I tried unplugging it for a few minutes and putting it back in but I'm still getting the same issue.
My neighbor's cable is running fine though!
1 réponseTiVO & DVRsil y a 1 décennieWhere can I buy a green plaid school girl type skirt? I need it for Halloween.?
I'm looking for one similar to the Gossip Girl ones..something not too $$$...like old navy, forever 21, target, etc..
5 réponsesFashion & Accessoriesil y a 1 décennieHow do I download mp3 files from Safari instead of streaming them in Quicktime?
The website I like to visit has several links that you can click to download mp3 files. When I click it, it opens in my browser as Quicktime and streams the music instead of asking me where I want to save my file. When I go on a PC, it downloads right away and I can save it. I am using the newest version of Safari. I just want to know how I can download the mp3 instead of going to a PC to do it and using Explorer. Thanks!
2 réponsesOther - Computersil y a 1 décennieDo you need to have an internet plan in order to use any of the BlackBerry apps?
I just got a Pearl 8120 and was wondering...
3 réponsesPDAs & Handheldsil y a 1 décennieDo you need to have a data plan in order to use the wi-fi on the BlackBerry Pearl 8120?
I just got my phone but I can't get on wi-fi. When I connect to a network, I go back to the browser but then it says I'm not signed up for any data plan and takes me to the T-Mobile page.
I thought wi-fi was free? I'm always able to connect with it on my iPod touch. Help please?
2 réponsesCell Phones & Plansil y a 1 décennieWhy am I gaining weight even though I am dieting and excercising?
I'm 27, 5'4 and 155 lbs. I've been trying to loose the 20lbs that I put on so quickly. I eat about 1,000 calories a day and exercise everyday or every other day by doing Kettle Bells now. I was doing aerobics and light strength training before but have been doing kettle bells for 2 weeks now. I noticed I am gaining weight and not loosing it. Is it because I'm gaining muscle? I don't know what else to do b/c I've cut my calorie intake drastically and exercise all the time. In all, I've been trying to loose weight since November of 08 and have been getting very discouraged by not seeing ANY results.
Any suggestions on what to do differently?
8 réponsesDiet & Fitnessil y a 1 décennieWhat kind of seats are these for the Chicago Incubus show at Charter One Pavilion?
I just got my tickets and i got "GA FLOOR 1, Row G28, Seat #41." I looked at the 3D map on the website but can't tell where it's at. Does anyone know if this is a pit or actual seats?? Thanks!
2 réponsesRock and Popil y a 1 décennieWhy isn't my phone verification working for Twitter?
I just signed up for Twitter today and texted back the code to 40404 and I don't get any kind of confirmation. I have a T-Mobile plan with unlimited texts. How can I get it to work? I've tried several times...
1 réponseProgramming & Designil y a 1 décennieHow do I get my roommate to clean up after himself?
My boyfriend and I live with our good friend/roommate who never cleans up after himself unless I ask him too. I've had to tell him several times to clean up his dirty dishes he leaves on the floor, open food containers, dirty clothes, etc. He leaves all these things in our communal area. When I do ask him, he gets defensive like he did nothing wrong or makes up silly excuses of why he didn't clean. He admits he's lazy and seems to be proud of it. What is the best way to resolve this? I really can't take it anymore.
9 réponsesCleaning & Laundryil y a 1 décennieHelp on finding out what kind of speech disorder a child has?
When my neighbor's 5 year old daughter speaks, it is extremely difficult to understand what she's saying. Her speech level sounds like that of a 2 year old. It is very unintelligible, almost gibberish. You can understand words here and there but the majority of the time you cannot. She gets very frustrated when you don't understand what she's trying to say. Her 8 year old brother speaks perfectly normal and sometimes has to translate for her.
My neighbor has never mentioned anything about her speech problems and I feel it is rude to ask. It sounds like she may have some symptoms of cluttering or some kind or mental retardation? I'm not too sure. Any suggestions on how to communicate with her or find out what the problem is? I see her quite a bit and feel awful that I can hardly understand anything she is saying.
2 réponsesMental Healthil y a 1 décennieHow do I apply my mp3 songs as ringtones on my T-Mobile Dash?
I have several songs I've made into ringtones that I have stored on my SD card. I'd just like to know how do I make them as ringtones on my Dash. What's the best way to go about this?
2 réponsesCell Phones & Plansil y a 1 décennieWhat's the best way to approach a racist co-worker about his comments and tell him to stop? ?
I work in a small office environment of 7 people so we don't have an HR department. Everyone is white except me. I only have a problem with one man in particular. He is always rude to me but never says anything mean directly to me.
However, I always overhear him making racist remarks about all races and lately it's been a lot more b/c of Obama coming into office. What got me VERY upset was yesterday when the radio was on during his inauguration. He said this directed towards Obama, "I think you need to speak differently for your brothas out there. I don't think they understand you." He's constantly making snide comments like these.
I told my boss about it and she agreed with how disgusted I was about how racist he is. But she just told me to tell him. I just want to know what's the best way to handle this situation? I feel like my boss isn't going to do much b/c everyone's used to his behavior. It's like an "oh well" attitude.
How do I approach him and explain how his racist comments are offending to me? We don't ever small talk and chit chat so that's why I'm not sure how to go about this. Suggestions anyone? Thanks!
12 réponsesOther - Society & Cultureil y a 1 décennieWill Manic Panic hair dye work on my naturally dark brown/black hair?
I don't want to bleach it and I'm wondering what colors will show up on my hair. Or if other brands work better.
11 réponsesHairil y a 1 décennie