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    Life on Mars?

    I used to say no but I've recently changed my mind. I was flying my remote-controlled quadcopter and it went out of range of the controller. It kept climbing higher and higher until it was out of sight. Fortunately, the camera on it was still taking pictures. I found it this week. It has been missing for over a year. When I looked at the pictures, there were several good aerial shots, then some above the clouds, then darkness, and then one last picture which I've included here. I can't explain it but I think it landed on Mars. Do you believe in life on Mars?

    8 réponsesAstronomy & Spaceil y a 7 ans
  • Why do so many people say "noone" when they mean "no one"?

    "No one" means "not one". "Noone" doesn't mean anything. It seems like people would see the word "noone" and pronounce it "noon" and realize instantly they had written it wrong but they don't. Why can't people get it right? Why? I MUST know!!!!

    5 réponsesWords & Wordplayil y a 9 ans