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I'm a professional cynic but my heart's not in it.
Poll: Is there snow where you live yet?
Isn't any where I am and I live in Canada.
22 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 5 ansWhat is Wrong???
In the comics and animation section, none of the questions are uploading. The only questions there are from many days ago, and some questions disappeared. Is there something wrong with my device/computer?
2 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 5 ansName Your Top 5 Favourite Superheroes?
My List Is:
1. Batman
2. Nightwing
3. Superman
4. Flash
5. Green Lantern
14 réponsesComics & Animationil y a 5 ansWhy Does Everyone Hate Superman??
People hate Superman because he's overpowered, but look at Thor, Hulk, Shazam, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern and Silver Surfer. He fights OP people too like Darkseid and Doomsday. Superman is a great character and is inspiring.
If you hate Superman, tell me why. If you don't, tell me why as well.
7 réponsesComics & Animationil y a 5 ansPoll: Did You Join Yahoo! Answers to Ask or Answer Questions?
The reason I joined is because many of the questions I frequently saw were in the Comics and Animation section. I realized that myself, being knowledgeable in that subject could answer those questions too.
19 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 5 ansComics and Animation: What Weapon Would You Want in a Zombie Apocalypse? (Can be Fictional)?
I would want a White Lantern Ring, it can channel all emotions and some wearers can resurrect the dead. (No More Zombies)
6 réponsesComics & Animationil y a 6 ansWho is your favourite human Green Lantern? And why!!!?
Is it Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Simon Baz or Kyle Rayner?
Also if they all fought who would win? (Not White Lantern Kyle)
7 réponsesComics & Animationil y a 6 ansWho is your favourite C-list DC character/superhero?
C-List being guys like Blue Beetle, Black Lightning, Metamorpho, etc.
My favourite is Booster Gold.
5 réponsesComics & Animationil y a 6 ansCan Someone Explain What Is Currently Happening In DC's Main Titles?
I'm wondering what is going on in the moment for DC's main titles such as Superman, Justice League, Flash, Wonder Woman, Batman and Green Lantern
I heard for Batman something about in his fight with Joker they both died and they were brought to life with a Lazarus Pit but ended up losing all his memories, so now Gordon is Batman in his big blue Bunny Suit.
Can anyone elaborate on these titles currently. Thanks in advance.
1 réponseComics & Animationil y a 6 ansWhat is the difference between Dark Matter and Anti-Matter?
We haven't learned about it in school but I'm curious to see what the difference is. I apologize in advance if this question seems ignorant to anyone.
2 réponsesAstronomy & Spaceil y a 6 ansWhat is the difference between Dark Matter and Anti-Matter?
We haven't learned about it in school but I'm curious to see what the difference is. I apologize in advance if this question seems ignorant to anyone.
6 réponsesAstronomy & Spaceil y a 6 ansWhat in your opinion is the largest misconception of Batman?
I'm interested to see what people's answers are. IMO the biggest misconception is that he can fly.
4 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 6 ans