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Réponses22 124
If Republicans are so interested in election integrity, then why did they oppose Robert Mueller's investigation into the Trump campaign?
It's almost like they don't care about election integrity at all and are just trying to suppress the black vote.
10 réponsesPoliticsil y a 1 moisWhy was it okay when Trump increased the national debt by $8 trillion in four years, but Biden's infrastructure bill is bad?
Is it because Biden's bill would benefit the working class?
3 réponsesPoliticsil y a 2 moisWhy do half of Republican men say that they won't take the COVID-19 vaccine?
9 réponsesPoliticsil y a 2 moisDo you find it strange that so many Republicans hate the working class, when so many Republicans are members of the working class?
Why the self-loathing among Republicans?
6 réponsesPoliticsil y a 2 moisWhy are blacks barely getting the COVID shot when they’re dying of COVID at 3x the rate of whites?
Does this demonstrate the overall lower IQ of black Americans?
7 réponsesPoliticsil y a 3 mois