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Lv 31 445 points


Réponses favorites31%

Actually I've been a member for over two years but my suspensions keep putting to the back of the class. All in all I'm about two hundred points above Cat who has done a great job in my absence. From here on it's damn the torpedo's and Y/A's points and call them as I please. I will continue to help the Newbies and kids and put the bullshitter's in they're place. I know I have made enemies but it goes with territory, I was raised rough in a rough part of the country and I can deal with trolls and gnomes alike, they make good target practice. After fifty years in the dirt I have a lot of insight to what does and doesn't work. I've killed a lot of plant material to get where I am and done it in six different hardiness zones. I have a degree in organic chemistry and biology with a few certificates of horticultural ilk. I am a semi-retired/ semi-disabled farmer/rancher living in N Dakota. I am willing to answer any of your questions by email if you fear my trolls. Your friend - RScott