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I want to start jogging but don't know what route/where to go?
I've stopped eating chocolate, crisps and all snack related things and just sticking to 2-3 meals a day.
Obviously, that alone won't affect my weight so much so I want to throw some exercise in too only I don't really want to be seen because I find it a bit embarrassing. The closest open space area to run is a half hour bus ride away... Any suggestions on what to do?
I guess if I had to do it near where I live, I could do it in the dark?
Even at the open space area half an hour away I'd do it on the dark but it'll be scarier I think.
When I've lost a few dress sizes (not sure how long it'd take) i think I might be more happier/confident in jogging in my local area.
Also, do you reckon once I've found somewhere to jog, I do it every day and gradually build up to do longer times or do you reckon a few times a week for about an hour each...
3 réponsesDiet & Fitnessil y a 5 ansWhat can me and this guy do?
I'm a girl and I've been talking to this guy for quite some months.(we originally met at the beginning of this year when our colleges came together to do something) We met up the other week but it was quite boring/awkward because it was dark and there was nothing to do(We walked around the streets where he lives for like an hour then went to a mini park)
I feel like he doesn't take me seriously and he told me a few white lies when we went on that walk but I'm genuinely interested in him.
I'm always like "hey do you want to go to the cinema blah blah blah" and he always says he has no money, which I believe since he doesn't have a job. It took him ages to convince me to meet up with him but now that we have I feel like it wasn't that good.
We're both off college tomorrow so I want to message him asking if he'd like to do something, but what can we do? There's not much to do in either of our towns but I'm willing to pay for us to do something. I don't want it to be too extreme because we're only friends. Suggestions please. We're both 17.
We've hinted at just chilling in one of our houses but that wouldn't work considering our parents or siblings will be home at any point during the day
1 réponseSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansWhat is the best MacBook for college editing?
I study media production in college and I want to take my work home with me to be able to edit and stuff in my own time so I need a MacBook (the laptop I have now doesn't support Premiere or Final Cut Pro) but which would you say is the best one to get?
Money isn't an issue because it's important so I'll fork out as much as is necessary.
I'm not technical when it comes to knowing what is so special about different MacBooks that's why I am asking.
Do any of them have a DVD slot because that would be handy too?
This laptop will be primarily used for college and then university next September so I need a reliable and useful one please. Thank you
1 réponseLaptops & Notebooksil y a 6 ansIf I was to eat just broth for lunch and tea and as a small snack when I'm peckish, would I eventually lose weight?
This means no other food or meals at all, just broth.
How long would it take for me to notice a difference? What are the health risks that could come with it? Just curious
3 réponsesDiet & Fitnessil y a 6 ansMy nipples are never pointy/ hard. Is this abnormal for a 17 year old girl?
When I ve seen shows some of the girls always seem to have hard nipples under their shirts and when I google nipples (or nipple piercings really) they re always pointy.
Mine only ever do that if I m absolutely freezing. Are they meant to always be pointy? I m 17 so i don t really know what they should be like. I remember when I was little I d catch my mum getting changed and hers would be out rather than flat and in like mine.
I want a nipple piercing but I think I d get turned down because I have small, in-pointy nipples
2 réponsesWomen's Healthil y a 6 ansserious question: how do you actually give a ********?
How do you suck a d¡ck. Do you just put it in your mouth and move up and down without actual suction force or do you physically suck it like you would a thumb?
I'm 17 and me and this guy are getting serious and I'm sure he'll want me to suck him off, he keeps hinting. I want to do it but have absolutely no idea what I am doing
3 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansreally like this guy but I cannot put up with his actions. advice please? Tips&guidance please, both girls and boys opinion needed! We're 17?
We got talking in the summer after having met at a residential event in March. I've stupidly fallen for him but for the past 2-3 weeks he's been an ******.
he'll take hours to reply to me even though he started the convo, he'll be patronising, I asked him if he'd go to the cinema with me but he said he'd seen the movie so I said that's fine, he's asked me three times to go to his house but I've politely said I don't think I should because I have anxiety so i'd find it hard to talk which would be awkward, (im self conscious because im a big girl he's big too fyi)&he just goes ape sh!t at me&his tone changes.
we haven't really spoken for the past couple of weeks because I think we are avoiding each other. I want to message him but I know he'll either ignore me, be "off" with me or reply 1234 hours later.
I really don't want our nightly conversations to end but I fear we wont get back to the way we were.
I sometimes think about if I was a few dress sizes smaller and a lot prettier i'd just speak to one of his friends and make the guy I like jealous. seriously, if I was pretty i'd shag his friend and be like "you had your chance"(I've never told him this btw) I know it's petty so help me.Should we continue being distant or should I try again? He messaged me last night saying "lol" so 9mins later I replied "what lad?" then he said "nothing" so i said "okay then" then11hrs later he just replied "lol" again. Its obvious he purposely set out to annoy me like this, but why would he?
2 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansHow can I get these songs to work?
I bought this album then I got a message saying "Not enough storage: 26 and 1 other song could not download". It's been paid for so how do I get it now? I've deleted a few apps to make more room, will they just eventually load or something?
Thank you
1 réponseSoftwareil y a 6 ansI feel so **** about myself. What can I do?
Over this summer I've put on quite a bit of weight and obviously it's no ones fault but my own but now I feel worthless.
I'm so scared to go back to college next Tuesday because I was already the biggest in the class so now I'll feel even more anxious than I normally would. They're all skinny and then there's just me who's a size 16
What can I do to make me feel better? It's really effecting me. I never even knew I was eating so much but when I look in the mirror or at photos you can clearly tell I've added on a few pounds. Please help me somehow
5 réponsesDiet & Fitnessil y a 6 ansIf you're 10.5 stone what dress size would you be?
I'm trying to loose weight and be healthy and I read around 8-10.5 stone is the recommended weight for someone of my height. What dress size would it be, approximately if not fully known?
3 réponsesDiet & Fitnessil y a 6 ansI want to be healthier. What's the right way for me to workout and exercise?
Over the summer I have gained a lot of weight. I've never weighed myself but I can tell by the way my double chin is actually merging into one big fat chin plus my belly has ballooned.
Anyway, because I'm fat I was wondering if doing ab workouts would be beneficial at all or would it be pointless? I want to flatten my stomach so my plan is to do more walking, ab workouts and eat less food. Does this sound like a good idea?
Can I have some tips please.
I would go jogging but I'm so embarrassed of my weight right now so until I am thinner I don't want to be seen running, it makes me anxious. I also don't have enough money to join a gym.
Just to clarify, I don't for one second think by doing all this right now that I will become thin overnight. I know it takes months if not years but I'd appreciate some help, guidance and motivation please :) thank you
4 réponsesDiet & Fitnessil y a 6 ansDo you know any good make up sets for beginners?
I'm 17 and I've never really done makeup before. I've dabbled with eyeliner and I always wear mascara and sometimes tinted lip balm but I want to try other things. I kinda want to try the things that most other girls do so I was wondering if any of you know any good sites that sell reasonably priced cosmetics?
I'm not bothered that much about foundation and stuff, I more want to practise and focus on doing my brows, eyes and lips.
Because I've never done it before have you got any tips maybe?
Thank you.
3 réponsesMakeupil y a 6 ansWhy should height be a problem in a relationship? What do you think?
I'm a 17 year old girl and I am 5'10. My boyfriend of just 3 months is 5'6. People always question the height difference and say: "Do you not feel silly standing next to him?" or "how can he protect you?"
Why the hell does it matter to anyone else if someone I date is shorter than me? I find it very insulting when people pass their unneeded judgement.
Does anyone else feel the same? Do you think height should be something to focus on when dating somebody?
My opinion on this is that I find it shallow for people to judge someone on a factor that they cannot control. Opinions?
3 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansDo you reckon he like LIKEs me? Could you help me correct this situation, please?
I've been talking to a guy for a while and I think he's cute but I'm not sure how he feels about me. Sometimes the things he does make me think yeah he likes me but sometimes he ignores me and I think hmm maybe he doesn't and I'm just here when he's bored.
Last night we were talking and he said I should come over on Monday. I said I'm socially awkward and replied saying "you don't have to be social to watch movies" I asked what we'd watch and he said "anything you'd like, I've got them all" then he said so are you coming? And again I said "I'm socially awkward" and then he just sent me a thumbs up so I didn't reply back because I know I annoyed him.
About ten minutes later he said "I really think you should come watch movies" so I said "if my friend is traveling to her boyfriend's house (who lives in the same town as this guy) i'd come over(with a thumbs up)". He just said "ok night" and then started being blunt with me when I asked what was wrong. What can I do. I didn't want to annoy him and I feel like I have and it's upsetting me.
I want to go but I'm generally too anxious and awkward. Should I stop being inconsiderate and ask him tonight if he really wants me to come over on Monday? I feel bad that he's trying to be sweet and I keep mugging him off. How should I structure the question?
2 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansDoes he like LIKE me?
ive been talking to a guy for a while and I think he's cute but I'm not sure how he feels about me. Sometimes the things he does make me think yeah he likes me but sometimes he ignores me and I think hmm maybe he doesn't and I'm just here when he's bored.
Last night we were talking and he said I should come over on Monday. I said I'm socially awkward and replied saying "you don't have to be social to watch movies" I asked what we'd watch and he said "anything you'd like, I've got them all" then he said so are you coming? And again I said "I'm socially awkward" and then he just sent me a thumbs up so I didn't reply back because I know I annoyed him.
About ten minutes later he said "I really think you should come watch movies" so I said "if my friend is traveling to her boyfriend's house (who lives in the same town as this guy) i'd come over(with a thumbs up)". He just said "ok night" and then started being blunt with me when I asked what was wrong. What can I do. I didn't want to annoy him and I feel like I have and it's upsetting me.
2 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansMy "boyfriend" 's family are crazy. (I couldn't fit this in the description but Im from the UK&fly over to Chicago to see him regularly)help?
I'm 24 and this guy I am seeing is 32. it's not a serious thing just more fun and games.
We see each other quite a lot and have been doing for about 18 months now. None of us want to get married or have a serious relationship, we see other people sometimes but if it doesn't work out we go back to one another blah blah blah.
My parents hate him, and his whole family hate me, I don't know why. What we adults do in our spare time should be no concern to them.
Anyway, I was at this guy's apartment last weekend and we led butt naked in his bed when his sister came over, stormed up the stairs and screamed for me to get the F out. me and this guy (john) jumped straight up and got dressed and she dragged me by my hair and pulled me downstairs and told me to get in my car and leave. I got a text an hour later off john saying "the crazy b!tch has gone do you want to meet for coffee?" so I said no because she freaked me out. then on Tuesday we went for dinner and his brother saw us, came over to the table and said "john your mother is so upset with your actions"
Wtf is wrong with this family? I've never done anything wrong to them and now they're being weird. We used to go on little family trips so they never used to hate me...what do I do? I went to speak to his parents to discuss what I may have done to cause upset but they just gave me the cold shoulder.. I can't change if they don't tell me what i'm doing wrong. I don't want to split a family up.Anyone experienced anything similar?
1 réponseSingles & Datingil y a 6 ansUrgent: What can I get my guy friend as a present from my holiday?
I'm leaving Mallorca on Friday and my guy friend, who is gay, said he'd never got a gift from anyone who'd been on holiday so I said i'd get him something but I have no idea what to get??
I'm bringing home some shot glasses for him and other friends and we are having a gathering when I'm back. I'm also getting one friend something else because it's her birthday(it's an orniment thing). Other than that it's only him who I am getting a gift for. Any suggestions? I'm not sure what he likes, he said he likes anything :/
I don't know whether to get him a soft emoji type cushion thing or maybe a small gekho/lizard toy thing but that seems a bit babyish for a 17 year old.
Help please. It has to be something that would be of a reasonable price. Thank you
2 réponsesFriendsil y a 6 ansI literally have no idea what's going on between us. What's this guy thinking?
I have been snapchatting this guy for about 12/13 days now like up to 3am most times and he's always like "come to my town, we can on my ps4" etc etc. Things get kinda flirty. He's not a stranger I know him and have met him at this residential thing but I feel like if I met up with him by myself it would be awkward. Like I don't really want to play on his ps4 and he wont come over to my town. we live 20 mins apart. but he wont just chill outside with any of his or my friends either when i suggest we do. I am often in his town but like I said, i'd feel awkward hanging out with him.
He takes soo long replying to me. I get he's sometimes on fifa so fair enough there but other times I feel like he's just purposely waiting for a while whilst I reply straight away. Does that make me too eager? I don't like him in a special way like we just have a good laugh but I do sometimes get that weird feeling when I see he has messaged me.
The other night he drunkenly snpachatted me saying 'ring me' and I was like 'dude even if I had your number I wouldn't do that :')' and he was like 'oh, sound'. But the only reason he snpachatted me drunk was because the night before, that's what I did.
He offered to get me invited to parties even though he's 3 months younger than me lol. so I said when it's your birthday throw a party and invite me so he agreed but now he's not having one. If I was drunk i'd probably kiss him or something but is he just stringing me along or something? whats happening
2 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 6 answhich of these is the better idea?
I'm 17 and have recently gotten my UK provisional drivers license. My plan is to work through the summer to save up money for driving lessons so I can get a full UK license. However my 22 year old brother who has been driving since he was 17 has said I should get a cheap car with the money I save up, get my granddad to teach me how to drive (he's a very good driver and taught my brother before he had proper lessons to make him advance quicker-which he did, he passed within 2 months of lessons) and then go with my car to have my real test.
Which idea is better? I know the traditional way is to have lessons but if my very experienced granddad teaches me then I take the test in my own car, Is this not better? I didn't even know you could do this..
My granddad has agreed to teach me but he doesn't know about this thing my brother said so what do you reckon, should I learn from an instructor or buy my own car and learn from my granddad?
*I know I have to take theory test but I imagine that's not hard to arrange since my other brother is currently learning to drive*
Also, don't go into detail about car prices and insurance things because my uncle will help me with that. He and my granddad know anything about everything so they'll know what type of car is good for me and what insurance offers are the best etc etc blah blah blah/
What's your opinion..?
2 réponsesOther - Cars & Transportationil y a 6 ansMy indecisiveness is ruining my life. Help?
I can't help but feel angry by always saying no to things. I'm just always anxious and need a push.
As an example, if me and my friends go into a coffee shop they always know what they want, or at least debate to themselves some options. Me however panics at the thought of being judged on what I've chosen or i'm scared I make the wrong choice even though the outcome to a bad coffee choice is just not liking the taste and wasting money. This is how small my problem gets but I have bigger scale problems too.
Today for example I have been invited to my dad's friends house and I originally said yes but now I've changed my mind and to be honest I don't even know why. I feel like I can never make the right decisions. I do kinda want to go but at the same time I don't know if I do. It's a once in a life time chance because she's leaving.
I regret not doing things with people because I know it will be fun. Last Saturday I got invited to watch Eurovision at a friends house and I said yes, then I made up an excuse not to go but then one of the girls said no just come for a bit, so I did. And I loved it, It's just the getting me to agree togo somehwere which makes me angry.
I feel like I reply on people to baby me way too much and inside i'm emotionally dying.
My parents and friends don't listen when I say I don't want to go somewhere, or when they do listen and just say "fine" I feel like they've given up on me.
Can someone help me please? Why am I like this? How can better myself?
2 réponsesFriendsil y a 6 ans