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Outside the Top 10 ranked expert in American Football.
When will Königsberg be rightfully returned to Germany?
2 réponsesPoliticsil y a 5 ansWhat is happening to Charlton Athletic recently?
A semi-popular Twitch.tv streamer is talking and ranting about it but he is too emotional to really explain it so I'm eager to get a neutral view
4 réponsesEnglish Football (Soccer)il y a 5 ansNow that Ichiro has reached 3,000 MLB carrer hits, is Hall of Fame a gurantee?
13 réponsesBaseballil y a 5 ansWenn ein Verein den DFB-Pokal gewinnt, ohne sich über die Liga oder den Landespokal für die nächste Saison zu qualifizieren...?
...ist der Verein dann trotzdem qualifiziert?
6 réponsesBundesligail y a 5 ansCan you see John Cena when you place a pink ward?
1 réponsePolls & Surveysil y a 5 ansRacist Trump or Crooked Hillary?
10 réponsesPoliticsil y a 5 ansHow will Tom Brady do in Week 1 against the Cardinals?
1 réponseFantasy Sportsil y a 5 ansWhat are your favorite Tim Duncan moments?
3 réponsesBasketballil y a 5 ansHow many genders does it take to create seven billion people?
15 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 5 ansWhere can I place a ten pound bet on Burnley?
3 réponsesEnglish Football (Soccer)il y a 5 ans