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Will I get herpes if I get my HSV positive girlfriend pregnant?
My girlfriend and I have been talking about having a child. She has herpes so I just want to know if getting herpes is a sacrifice I will have to make in order to have a child, since I am clean. Also, if I perform cunnilingus on her when the virus is dormant, can I catch it?
6 réponsesSTDsil y a 1 décennieIn Adobe Premiere, clips are much smaller in sequence timeline than in source window.?
I am using Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 to edit a portfolio together. I downloaded my own videos from YouTube as I had lost the raw files, then converted them to .avi and imported them into APP, which worked fine. Though once I started placing the clips on the timeline the video image in the sequence window was about 1/4 the size of what it was in the source viewer! I'm having great trouble with this as I'm used to editing on Avid and Final Cut Pro, and it is the only editing programme available to me as I have a portfolio due in a few days. Any help is appreciated! Thank you
1 réponseSoftwareil y a 1 décennieLooking for some Ouija Board info?
I'm thinking about using a ouija board soon but I want to get all the necessary details about preparing for use. I'm very skeptical about using it the wrong way. I've found some prayers to use for opening the seance and to end it. I've also read that white candles should be used but one article the person said they used 3 white candles and 1 red candle. Is red an okay colour to use? And also what sort of questions should I begin asking the spirit/entity? Thanks
6 réponsesBoard Gamesil y a 1 décennieCan't find the name of this song!!!?
There's this song me and my friend started spontaneously singing the other night but we don't know the name of it and it's driving me CRAZY! The lyrics are something like this "do ba do ba do ba do da, do ba do ba do da do da and the dancin' dancin' dancin'"
I think it's in an episode of The Simpsons or something!
1 réponseLyricsil y a 1 décennieSouth Park Studios HELP!?
I'm trying to watch episodes of South Park on southparkstudios.com but the videos are really jumpy and stuff :( And when I try to pause it to let it buffer, it doesn't work. Any suggestions would be much appreciated! :)
1 réponseComedyil y a 1 décennieFriends? What do I do?
Basically I got really drunk the other night and acted a complete ****** to all of my friends, even my closest ones. It happened because I've had a falling out with a friend, and some of my friends have taken his side and I got really paranoid that they didn't care about me so it just came out in a very very bad way when I was drunk. But basically some of them don't want to talk to me or anything because I just insulted them beyond belief. I've apologised to the few I've managed to talk to but I don't know what to do about the whole thing because they're still annoyed with me. Any suggestions?
7 réponsesFriendsil y a 1 décennieWhat should I do?
There's this girl I really really like but she's really flirty with all the guys and she with someone nearly every night we're out. I've kissed her before so I think she likes me but I can get very paranoid and think she was just doing it for some fun. The problem is I just can't stop thinking about her and wanting to get with her again. She's so cool but I'm an idiot for starting to have feelings for someone who with a guy nearly every night. A serious 3 year relationship ended for me a few months ago so I think it might be psychological in that I'm quickly trying to replace my ex. Any advice for how to stop liking this girl??
7 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 1 décennieI'm in love with my friend's girlfriend, what should I do? (The age old problem)?
I'm in love with my friend's girlfriend and I'm going insane not being able to decide what to do. I've known both of them for about 2 years but they've only been together for about 3 months and they do not really seem like a couple, they rarely talk to each other or are affectionate in public. This girl is my best female friend and we get on unbelievably well, from the second we met, and there was instant chemistry and we both knew it, but I had a girlfriend at the time. I had very strong feelings for this girl when I was with my ex but I would never cheat on anyone and I was still in love with my ex. My ex and I went through a horrible break up because she wanted some other guy, which broke my heart, and this girl was really there for me when I broke up with my ex but she started dating her current boyfriend about a week after I my ex and I broke up. All of my friends agree that this girl and I get along better than any one else. I want to tell her I love her but I am too nervous.
2 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 1 décennie