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Why do people think yoga is relaxing?
I've taken yoga and all I've gotten is discomfort (holding poses that are the OPPOSITE of relaxing) and pain. If it's not painful, it's boring. Why do people like it? And why do they say it's good for you?
3 réponsesDiet & Fitnessil y a 2 ansIS ANYONE GOOD AT CODING? I could use a coder on my new website!?
I just created a new role-play site on proboards about a middle school and high school, but I know ZERO about coding. Is anyone interested in helping code? The website is www.facethemusic.boards.net.
1 réponseProgramming & Designil y a 2 ansShould I write a YA novel about the eighties?
I m writing a YA novel about a high school sophomore who goes from homeschooled to high school, and I m making it take place in 1989. I really like it so far, but I m afraid that will make it unrelatable. I m also afraid that the book won t be as good if I make it in the modern era. Will iGen want to read about Gen X? They might learn that some things haven t changed at all.
5 réponsesBooks & Authorsil y a 2 ansWhat should I title a YA book about a music competition?
So I'm working on this YA novel about a freshman in high school and his twin sister who enter a talent competition that comes to their hometown, the winning prize being signed to a record label (sort of like American Idol). So they become this musical duo and eventually win. But I don't know what I should name it. I was thinking like "The Keys to Success" because he plays piano and she sings, but I don't know, does anyone have any good ideas?
4 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 2 ansWhat s a good title for a book about a music competition?
2 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 2 ansDoes anyone know the title or author of this book? Please help!?
Okay, so I read this in school once and I don't remember a lot, but here is what I do remember. I'm pretty sure it was in two points of view, one was this disturbed sort of kid and the other I think his grandparent or somebody who lived through a war and can't speak, and the last word he was able to say was "I" and then he wrote on the walls. Like his vocabulary was slowly dwindling until he could only say one word and then nothing at all. There was a flashback scene where everyone was dying in the street and he had to get to his wife and everyone was crying out for water. In the story, the kid finds this piece of paper (I think) which has a clue and I think a name on it, and he has to track down the clue. So he sends his child psychologist a letter from his mom saying, "I will keep sending you checks, because you are a nice person." Then he goes through the city looking for clues. I don't remember how it ends. Here are some quotes I remember (may be slightly paraphrased):
"I know a lot about birds and bees, but I don't know a lot about the birds and the bees."
"They say when you look down on people from a tall building, they look like ants, but they don't. They look like miniature people."
Sorry if this isn't a lot but it's all I remember. I also seem to remember it being fairly long and depressing. I think the kid was a tween and his mom was a single parent.
Books & Authorsil y a 3 ansHow could someone not know they're pregnant until they give birth?!?
I heard a news story about this girl who was sent to the ER for "severe stomach pains" and it turns out she was in labor but had no idea she was pregnant. How is this possible? Don't these girls realize they've skipped their periods for the better part of the year? Their bodies are changing drastically in pregnancy, don't they realize THAT? They really don't notice that ANYTHING is different? I get maybe not knowing for the first couple months maybe, like perhaps you missed your period because of stress or they're irregular normally. But honestly, how can you carry a baby to TERM and not realize it? Not to be mean or anything...but I think those people have way below-average intelligence.
14 réponsesPregnancyil y a 3 ansCould I live off this income? Please help!?
Okay so I work about 25 hours a week and earn 10.50 per hour. My boyfriend works 40 hours a week and earns 18.00 per hour. Could we live on that, assuming our apartment costs 2,000 a month? The heat and water bill will be included as part of the rent, not an extra cost.
8 réponsesRenting & Real Estateil y a 3 ansHow often should I shampoo AND/OR condition? (SUPER tangly hair)?
Recently my hair-wash routine was: daily, I would shampoo then rinse, then comb in conditioner and rinse that. But I've been reading that I don't need to wash my hair every day. So today I skipped shampooing altogether and I was going to skip conditioning but when I combed it in the shower, I COULDN'T comb it. The comb just got stuck in my hair. So I put in conditioner, but I did something different--I put it in the strands and left none for the roots. So should I shampoo every other day, and keep conditioning every day? My hair combed easier when I didn't put any conditioner in the roots. I'm not sure why, I'm guessing it was because when I put it in the roots there wasn't enough left over for the strands. It's not that I don't like the way my hair looks (I do), but I hate the combing so much that I dread it, because it's so painful and I lose so much hair every time I comb it, so I was wondering if there was another way. I don't know if my hair was greasy because I don't wash it enough, I wash it too much, it's naturally that way or just because of the heat/humidity.
If it helps: My hair is naturally blonde, very thin/fine, and also very long. Without any styling products, it is slightly wavy/gently curly. I used to use heat to straighten it but I don't do that anymore. It has never been tightly curled. I live in Chicago, and although we're more famous for our cold, we get just as hot and humid as Florida during the summer.
4 réponsesHairil y a 4 ansHow can I be more comfortable around crying people?
Whenever someone cries in front of me I feel very uncomfortable. (Think Sheldon from "Big Bang Theory" with his awkward patting and "there, there".) Even when my boyfriend does it! All I want to do is make the person happy again even though I know crying is healthy and that I should encourage it. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I never cry in front of anyone myself? I can't just say, "Crying people make me very uncomfortable". What should I do?
2 réponsesFriendsil y a 4 ansWhat is Christianity's view on ghosts?
According to Christianity, do ghosts exist? I know Christianity believes in demons but what about ghosts? I know nobody knows for a fact whether or not they are real but what does the Bible say?
14 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 4 ansHow to get Cortana off my taskbar?
Okay so I have Windows 10 on my Surface Pro. I like to draw on it as a tablet with the keyboard removed, but I'm left-handed and whenever I put my hand down to draw, Cortana always comes up. It's driving me NUTS. How can I make it so Cortana is off my taskbar, so when I put my hand over it, it won't show up?
16 réponsesSoftwareil y a 4 ansDog Owners Poll: What is your dog s favorite game, and what breed is s/he?
My dog is a Poodle mix and she absolutely LOVES playing Chase. She doesn t quite understand Fetch (she ll chase the ball or toy, but she doesn t bring it back) and she likes Tug but gets bored within a minute.
16 réponsesDogsil y a 4 ansWhy do we have a rating system for movies, video games and TV but not books?
It's not as if books are somehow less violent or sexually explicit. Like think about Fifty Shades of Gray--wasn't the movie given an R rating? Why wasn't the book?
7 réponsesBooks & Authorsil y a 4 ansShould I worry about my laptop?
Yesterday I was on my laptop with it plugged in and I noticed a horrible burning smell. So I turned it off until it was cool. Then I turned it on again and it got hot and stinky again. Then the light on the charger went out, so I unplugged it and then plugged it in and then it started to smoke. So I of course grabbed it out and shut down the computer. Later I started up the computer without the charger and it works fine and it no longer smells or is overheated. There is a USB port in the cable too which I usually stick my phone cable into and my phone won't charge with it either, so I figure the charging cable was the problem. HOWEVER the "charging hole" still smells, and when I talked to IT on the phone they said my charging hole might be permanently damaged. Somebody's going to come by today to check, but in the meantime what do you guys think?
2 réponsesLaptops & Notebooksil y a 4 ansIf Donald Trump died, would Hillary campaign against Mike Pence?
8 réponsesPoliticsil y a 4 ansWhy does everyone think that Hillary will make history by being the first female President?
Every President has been a man so far, but a lot of them have made history. FDR, Reagan, etc. Sure we had a minority President, but if you asked me how he made history I wouldn't say it was because he was black. If Hillary, or any other woman, got elected and didn't do **** for our country, I would NOT consider her as someone who makes history.
3 réponsesElectionsil y a 4 ansWhy does the President have to be at least 35 years old?
I mean, it kind of sounds okay NOW, but in 1776, wasn't 35 the average life expectancy?
2 réponsesPoliticsil y a 4 ansWhat's the difference between a "sick day", a "personal day" and "vacation time?
In my old job, part-time workers (like me) didn't get any benefits, and if you wanted a day off you had to warn 16 days in advance and you didn't get paid for that day. If you have an unexpected trouble you can call out but you have to have a reason. At my new job, part-time employees have stuff like sick days and personal days and vacation time but it's all really confusing. We have to alert the managers a month in advance, but does that mean you have to notify them a month in advance if you want to use a sick or personal day? And what's the difference between vacation time, personal and sick? Please help me because I'm so confused.
1 réponseLaw & Legalil y a 4 ansPoll: Have you ever called out sick from work when you weren't sick?
And what was your "excuse"?
8 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 4 ans