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Hello , I Vote USN Vet Animal Lover I miss the 70s Vegan
Why won't the dooming Liberals try to change the N.Y. "Jets" name. for the sake of Global Warming and all?
Jets do pollute .... ha.. Since the loons made a goal to try and change the Washington Redskins' name...
4 réponsesOther - Politics & Governmentil y a 7 ansNo sound in Chat Rooms again?
I use Yazak to play tunes and listen to people play their tunes.
Yahoo Messenger fails to allow sound and Voice again in chat rooms. My Codecs are updated
and this Voice and sound issue has beed going on for months.
I would rather use Yahoo Messenger than Yazak and those other clients.
Does Yahoo know? Is there a fix coming soon? Is there a fix? Thank You.
2 réponsesOther - Yahoo Messengeril y a 9 ansHow many People Obama?
How many American people has Barack Hussein Obama left abandon?
I lost track. Recently.. some in Libya
.. most recently New Jersey and ahh ah a few more States.
I know it's in the thousands anyway.
5 réponsesElectionsil y a 9 ansAll that for a flag lip read?
The Obamas are doing what?
3 réponsesElectionsil y a 9 ansObamas 65 Track Record?
Please view this link showing 65 Obama lies.
Who believes this link of information ... is it a bunch of lies?
1 réponseElectionsil y a 9 ansObama "Punish.. with a baby"?
Did Barack Hussein Obama say he does not want to punish his kids with a baby?
Geeze. If this is true, I think he is very very creepy.
10 réponsesElectionsil y a 9 ansLiberals, Obama this?
The Barrack Hussein Obama hiden from Liberals. 65 Outrageous Lies. Liberals: Please feel free to sass back. P.S. turn up your volume.
3 réponsesElectionsil y a 9 ansAre Obama Supporters eat Dumpster food?
Hurricane Sandy victims are eating from Dumpsters. Are Obamas supporters dumping on their own? Sounds like the Obama Liberal Socialists are getting a taste of their own Medicine eh? Where is Obamas' wealth to spread around some food and water? Where is Obama?
14 réponsesElectionsil y a 9 ansObama Needs 5 TVs and 5 Cable Boxes?
Barack Hussein Obama.... will need to watch Trump fire him on one channel, Chris Mathews tingle on one channel, Maddow freak on one channel, Ed Show rip his own heart out on one channel, And Madonna stripping on one channel.
1 réponseElectionsil y a 9 ansMore Cables for Obama?
More and more Cables popping up about reaching out for help ... before the attack on our Libyan Embassey.
Will Barack Hussein Obama answer up?
5 réponsesElectionsil y a 9 ansObama dash to Balderdash?
Will Barack Hussein Obama bluff all the way to Election Day to?
2 réponsesElectionsil y a 9 ansObama to be aasigned Ambassador?
I heard Romney will assign Barack Hussein Obama as the next Ambassador to Libya.. Take your Medicine Barack Hussein Obama. Where were you during the attack? Okay, the photo in the "Situation Room": We seen the photo of you during the killing of your Bin Laden, We saw the photo of you during (Hurricane) Sandy, .. cough ,, where is the photo of you during the attack when Americans were being killed in Libya... was the "Situation Room" emty? Simple question..
4 réponsesElectionsil y a 9 ansObama Tours to distract us?
Barack Hussein Obama to make himself look good touring the Hurricane Sandy damages, and again delivers >>> another promise? That's FEMAs' job.
What about Libya? tic tic tic .. still waiting for answers Mr. Obama. You can fool Liberals,, that's forsure. >> Romney 2012 **== <<
5 réponsesElectionsil y a 9 ansAnother Obama Promise?
Does this failed President ever quit... Promise Promise Promise...
We need a change >>> Romney 2012 **== <<<
6 réponsesElectionsil y a 9 ansLiberals to cry cry cry?
Will the Liberals be crying like they did 4 years ago...
Romney 2012 **==
9 réponsesElectionsil y a 9 ansObama dead eyes mean eyes?
Creepy fella. Eyes are the windows of the Soul. Who can trust this fella. Who would die for Obama. Sure glad I served under Reagan.
2 réponsesPoliticsil y a 9 ansWill Barack Husseins' cage rattle?
Trump offers 5 million charity for Barack Hussein Obama records: College, Passport, Applications.
2 réponsesCivic Participationil y a 9 ansWill Conservatives and Liberals always fight?
The many snobby neighbors, Road rage drivers, mean lookers, haters, name callers, crappy loud stupid rap music...crappy sitcoms,,, what a waste. Man do I miss the 70's. Anyways... Liberals will only settle down when they eventualy reach an old age and in diapers. The Liberal ways have destroyed us.. just have to keep learning to live with them I suppose. Creepy eyes Obama loves this no-fix-doom we are in. Smilin', hopping down the stairs from his plane.... arrogant snob. Just keep laughing everyone... Conservatives Love this Country. And I am a proud Sailor that served under both Ronald Reagans' terms. When I got out, I noticed the USA had changed as far as people getting along lesser and lesser and lesser. Liberals don't like me much. Once I got out of the USN ... and all the way up until the 2008 Campaignes, I wondered all the time, then the 2008 Campaignes caught my attention. My wonder was over. What the heck was the problem with 1/2 my Countrys' people getting along lesser and lesser and lesser? ... now I know.. the problem is the Liberals! Amazing. See you at the polls.... **==
2 réponsesCivic Participationil y a 9 ans