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  • Texas Hazardous Material Transportation Required?

    Hi, I live in Dallas, TX and plan on transporting a chemical called Keykote 36 - Zinc Phosphate solution. I would be transporting less than 50 gallons of the chemical. Never more than 50 gallons. Most of the time only 35 gallons. What requirements if any would I have to follow to ensure I am doing this legally. Is there a point at which there is no requirement? Example, if I transport 1 gallon, or 5 gallons? Also, if I mixed this 30 gallons with another 200 gallons of regular water and put that on the truck would that change anything?

    2 réponsesSafetyil y a 10 ans
  • Can I publish someones criminal record on my website?

    There is a person who has a long criminal history and has screwed me and my family out of tenss of thousands of dollars. I went to the Texas Department of Public Safety online and ordered his criminal history / record. I have it in the form of a Adobe acrobat file and I would like to post the crimal record on my website. Is there anything illegal with posting his criminal record if it is public information?I would appreciate an answer from an attorney that has passed the BAR. Thank you.

    3 réponsesLaw & Ethicsil y a 1 décennie
  • What keeps a small / medium company from selling assets to prevent paying out on a lawsuit?

    I am about to sue a company for $30,000+ and I know that the company has $150,000+ in assets. Namely, tractor trucks, the 18-wheelers. If I sue, what keeps the company from selling or transferring all the trucks over to another company or individual and going bankrupt to avoid paying out on the lawsuit. I have contracts and all the legal things I need so I know I will win hands down. But I feel uneasy because what is going to guarantee that they pay? The lawsuit takes place entirely in Texas. I am familiar with a writ of execution with makes the sheriff seize the assets and sell but what if they transfer the assets prior to end of lawsuit? Can they do that?

    5 réponsesLaw & Ethicsil y a 1 décennie
  • Can I deduct paying off a personal loan if I used the money to buy assets for my S-corporation?

    I am 100% owner of an S-corporation and I needed to buy a couple flatbed trailers ($11,000 each) I took out a personal loan from Bank of America and bought 2 trailers with it ($22,000). Can I tax deduct the payments I make towards the loan since that loan was used to purchase the assets for my company? Both trailers are registered under my company, not me. If not, how is the right way to do this?

    3 réponsesCorporationsil y a 1 décennie
  • What is the affect of using 4ohm speakers in an 8ohm system?

    I have a Lexus SC430 and the factory system uses 8ohm speakers. I blew several of the speakers and can not find replacement 8ohm car audio speakers, only 4 ohm. What happens if I use 4ohm speakers? The OEM speakers cost $200+ each so that is not an option.

    6 réponsesCar Audioil y a 1 décennie
  • Is a ELECTRIC PERSONAL ASSISTIVE MOBILITY DEVICE (electric wheelchair) considered a vehicle in Texas?

    The traffic code governing this is 551.201. We have a debate between another officer and myself whether you can write a DWI on someone in a electric wheelchair. I say he is considered a pedestrian (I am a rookie officer but freshly studied traffic code) he is a vetern officer who is very experienced. We are looking for the textbook answer, not what we can do in the courtroom. We welcome your opinions.

    7 réponsesLaw & Ethicsil y a 1 décennie
  • Is it legal for a licensed full time police officer to make his personal vehicle a police vehicle?

    This question is for police officers and lawyers. I am a police officer in Texas and I'm wondering if I can get away with turning my black Ford Shelby mustang into a patrol car. This means the light bar, and "Police" on the sides and front and back of car. Now, it is not owned by my police department but I am a full time police officer. Legal?

    My opinion is that it's not legal unless my agency approves but on the other hand if I get pulled over and I identify myself as an officer most all officers would let me go anyway.

    What do you guys think?

    9 réponsesLaw Enforcement & Policeil y a 1 décennie
  • Can I deduct this? 17 cents per mile vs. 40 cents per mile. See details.?

    I am a reserve police officer and volunteer my time. IRS says I can deduct 17 cents/mile for volunteering and that is what I was doing. However, I just formed a non-profit organization whose mission is to support law enforcement and that includes me volunteering. So can I claim the 40 cents per mile as an employee of the non-profit?

    3 réponsesUnited Statesil y a 1 décennie
  • The proper way to deduct loss due to flood damage?

    I have a new 3-story townhouse. It is my primary residence and it was flooded with 2 feet of water back in Feb due to heavy rains. 11 other units in my neighborhood also looded. I went the cheapest route I could to repair everything and it cost me approx $4000 but it still isn't 100% of what it was originally. Maybe 95%. Anyway, I saw in an IRS publication that I can not deduct just my repair costs. I have to have had an appraisal and then take the difference in fair market value as the deduction? I had my home owners insurance do an appraisal of the damages but they did no pay anything to me since I did not have flood insurance. What is the right way to deduct my losses?

    3 réponsesUnited Statesil y a 1 décennie
  • Tax Deduction Question?

    I am a reserve police officer in Texas. I do not get paid but I volunteer and perform the same functions as the full time paid officers. I have spent my personal money for guns, duty belt, gas back and forth, equipment, etc. Can I tax deduct these items and if so what IRS form would I use? Am I considered employed even though I'm not paid?

    5 réponsesUnited Statesil y a 1 décennie
  • How does one conseal police officer personal information?

    I can see it now. I testify in court. State my full name. Bad guy looks me up via tax records or online, and bing batta boom... I'm dead. I know how to seal Tax Records per Tax Code 25.025 but is there a way for me to make sure they can't find other ways of looking me up? Ideas are welcome!!

    2 réponsesLaw Enforcement & Policeil y a 1 décennie
  • what does nida Calao mean?

    1 réponseLanguagesil y a 2 décennies