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How much does a vinyl Beatles album cost?
Specifically the white album.
4 réponsesRock and Popil y a 1 décenniewhat are the negative effects of only drinking diet pepsi during the day?
I mean health wise. My coworker's only intake of substance during the day is diet pepsi, and then she drinks an okay amount of food at night.
3 réponsesDiet & Fitnessil y a 1 décenniewhat is a "cheeky fat git"?
I know its a British term but I have no idea what it means.
4 réponsesLanguagesil y a 1 décennieHow do I go about asking an older woman out?
I'm 23 years old and I am interested in a 32 year old woman. She is smart and attractive and I would very much like to ask her out but wouldnt know how to start. Also, she is my coworker.
3 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 1 décennieHow do you solve this math problem?
I came across it recently and I have no idea how to solve it. I'm not a math person or anything.
2 réponsesMathematicsil y a 1 décennieDoes fresh basil go well with fresh fruit salad?
3 réponsesOther - Food & Drinkil y a 1 décennieWhat does sloppy mean?
If a girl tells you that she is generally sloppy, especially when drunk, what is she referring to?
1 réponseWords & Wordplayil y a 1 décennieDo fish need other fish to help them live longer?
Like are they social or do they like to be solitary.
Fish is a Japanese Gold Fish.
3 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennieIs there such thing as too much sex?
Either with a significant other or random girls.
4 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 1 décennieWhat's wrong with being a jew?
When I say that my grandma was jewish, I get dirty looks, as if I did or said something wrong.
18 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieWhat is the term for parents making a baby (the act of the sex)?
I know it starts with a c and it isn't consummate
8 réponsesParentingil y a 1 décenniewhat is the song on the most recent cadillac commercial?
2 réponsesOther - Musicil y a 1 décennieHow long did the mouse in The Green Mile live for?
My friend claims that the mouse in the movie Green Mile either lived forever or lived for one hundred years. I need to know whether or not she was right.
1 réponseMoviesil y a 1 décennieWhat would happen if a turkey frozen in liquid nitrogen was thrown at somebody and hit them in the face?
Would they die? is pretty much what i am asking.
2 réponsesPhysicsil y a 1 décennieIn what way could I dress 80's?
My friend is having an 80's party and I have no idea what to wear.
I am a guy.
4 réponsesOther - Beauty & Styleil y a 1 décennieIs a girl a slut if she...?
Hooks up with 2 different guys in one night.
And if I was one of the guys, what do I look like?
7 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 1 décennieHow do I make a hypochondriac stop?
My friend is a hypochondriac and won't stop complaining about being sick all the time, to the point where she calls her mother at 2 in the morning to complain about it. What do I do to make her stop this sillyness?
3 réponsesOther - Healthil y a 1 décennieWhat's the best way to clean sticky iced tea off of a tile-like floor?
Brand name items a plus.
My little brother spilled something yesterday and I just discovered it today.
The sugar is making it tough.
8 réponsesCleaning & Laundryil y a 1 décennieWhat's the significance of a Jesus fish?
I don't get it. What does it mean?
24 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieIs it possible for my girlfriend to get pregnant if we don't use a condom and she is on the pill?
The pill meaning the birth control pill.
7 réponsesPregnancyil y a 1 décennie