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  • Child Support!!!!!?

    I'm hoping someone could give me an answer to this question. I've been calling almost everywhere and still get an unclear answer. Still trying the gov. phone # but no answers.

    Q.:If you're paying for child support, are you able to leave the country??? How long are you able to be out of the country???

    Thanks in advance.

    7 réponsesLaw Enforcement & Policeil y a 1 décennie
  • ink replacement???

    Printer:Brother 240C

    Type: Inkjet

    Problem: It kept telling me to replace Black Ink. My Ink is FULL. Even though I put a new one in it still say ink cartridge empty. I'm getting frustrated. Any help/advs???

    1 réponsePrintersil y a 1 décennie
  • Can anyone help me to tell the different between the PEACH blossom and the CHERRY blossom??

    Can anyone here help to tell the different between a PEACH blossom and a CHERRY blossom??? I did some image research on YAHOO but they look SIMILAR. I ordered PEACH blossom for the new year. Got the flowers today but on the box said CHERRY blossom. I called to the company but they closed for the rest of today. I want to know if they shipped me the PEACH blossom and mistakenly labeled CHERRY blossom. OR they SHIPPED me the CHERRY. I'm so upset at this point. Thank you in advance for all your help. Happy New Year.

    5 réponsesGarden & Landscapeil y a 1 décennie
  • network setup?

    I have 2 compts. 1 is Win2k and the other is XP... My files sharing and printers were working b4 I reformat my hard drive on my XP.. Now, don't matter how I set up the network.. my printers and files won't able to share again.. A message kept on popping up saying that the path is unable to find or .."The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available.."

    Any ideas will be very much appreciated..

    What shall I do?

    4 réponsesComputer Networkingil y a 1 décennie