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Interior designer/Animator from Wales UK.
Is it illegal for neighbours to take photos of us and kids in garden?
I have two kids under 5, and my neighbours keep taking photos over their garden wall.
I have spoke to the police before when they were taking photos from a bedroom window. We have since built a 8 ft fence to stop them looking at us at the top of the garden. Today we were having a bbq and the one neighbour was pretending to take photos of her flowers by leaning over our front wall. I called the police after telling her to stop. She just ignored me.
The police haven t come up yet, but it s not the first time. They also have cctv over looking our house. The police wanted to know the age of them. Not sure why, but they are male and female but not together. Just friends. It s odd. Any one suggest anything?
4 réponsesLaw Enforcement & Policeil y a 6 ansdoctor help, after having a baby?
Recently had a baby, he is 8 weeks old. I had a c section due to his weight gain making him a large baby 9.9onz. Since his birth I have had episodes of dizzy spells every day, they seem to be getting worse. Some times the room spins and other times is like I can see 2 people/ faces. I have also had blurred vision that lasts for a little while, but then it goes away.
I have had pressure behind my eye headaches but they have only just started to happen. I also have trouble concentrating but that could be tiredness with a new baby. Also had a few cramps under my right rib that spreads under my rib cadge happen a few times. Last night I was playing with my daughter when these silver lights started to appear in my vision.
although I lost a lot of blood in my section (700mil) my iron came back ok and so did my blood pressure. I also had an eye chart exam with the doc but it was normal 20/20 at the time. Any suggestions?
1 réponseWomen's Healthil y a 7 ansDizzy spells and blurred vision. Anyone know what might be wrong?
I've recently had a baby, 7 weeks ago. Since then I've had episodes of blurred vision, but my eye sight has always been good. Even when I saw the doc last week I could read from a distance but some times I can't see large signs 10 meters ahead of me. I have had dizzy spells every day, some times the room spins other times a table comes towards me, type dizzy spells.
I have had head pressure, like your in a plane type headaches and sometimes I go slightly deaf in my ear. Not often though. I've had a cramping under my ribs like a contraction too.
Bloods show iron level is fine, so I'm stumped now! Anyone help?
2 réponsesOther - General Health Careil y a 7 ansEarly labour signs or just a bug?
I'm 38 weeks pregnant on 2nd baby. My first was induced so I don't really know what to look for this time round. Basically I had a sweep Friday as baby is measuring to big for dates, roughly over 9lbs. He said I was 2-3cm dilated. Since then I've had a few shows over the weekend and this morning. I can't sleep, my back is aching and I have a lot of downwards pressure.
Woke this morning feeling sick, tired and have a headache. It's like flu but I've had the flu jab. I was sick last night but I just feel drained and aching.
Am I just feeling crap cause I'm tired?
1 réponsePregnancyil y a 7 ansLarge baby and an early induction. Anyone help?
I'm 35+4 on my 2nd pregnancy. I've had 2 ultrasounds past month all showing baby measures 3-4 weeks bigger than my due date. Now, I've not been given much info as doc are not saying much. Today I was told my glucose test, or gastro diabetes test must be wrong as it's so unusual for him to be this big. (Measuring 39 weeks.) I'm having another test Monday (ASAP on notes) to see if it is gastro diabetes.
My question is, if it's not then what's going to happen? I understand if it is then it's c section and I could develop diabetes in future. Other than that I don't know what will happen!
My bp was high today 150/90 and I've had pre-eclampsia in first pregnancy, I also had a horrible birth as my first child was 8lbs 13 onz.
Anyone gone through this?
2 réponsesNewborn & Babyil y a 8 ansbaby is mesuring big for dates, slightly concerned.?
My first pregnancy was difficult with pre-eclampsia and I eventually gave birth 11 days over my due date with an induction. My little girl was born via forceps delivery and a 3rd degree tear, weighing 8lbs 13oz.
I'm 31 weeks and have been advised to have a scan as the baby is measuring big for my dates. I'm slightly worried as I was told the reason for the long labour and difficult delivery was the size of my first.
Will the midwives induce me on my due date if that's the case? I've been told by one that they might if they think he is gona be big.
4 réponsesPregnancyil y a 8 ansChicken coup that's left to smell, can it harm pregnancy?
I'm pregnant, and have been enjoying this lovely summer in my garden. There is a field at the end of my garden, the man who owns it has built a chicken coup with 15/25 chickens in. Now the smell is like death warmed up and today I've been sick due to the stench. I've also had a few infections in my throat. Could the dirty coups be to blame?
Also I phoned the local council and they won't do much...
4 réponsesPregnancyil y a 8 ansAm I entitled to Job seakers?
I have been a house wife for the past 2 years, Previous to that I was employed for 12 years. I paid National Insurence on my maternity leave that ended just over a year ago.
I was told that I could only get National insurence stamps, but the lady was not going to give me any more infomation than that. So im not sure if im going to be getting anything. My partner is in full time work 35+ hours but the money is not fantastic. The government say we are just past the working tax credits amount so we are not entitled to any sort of other benifit. Anyone help shine a light on what im going to get?!
3 réponsesGovernment & Non-Profitil y a 9 ansAny one know the name of the song and band?!?
the music video was from the 90's yearly 2000 and it had a guy singing in an american supermarket. He was singing a girls name i think, and she was shopping in the store. He sang her name on the tanoy, its a bit of a blur..
1 réponseOther - Musicil y a 9 ansAutocad problem with size!?
I drew my house in mm. Problem is when i download any kitchen units from cad sites they are too small / big.
Its been years since i used auto cad and I remember drawing a unit 1000 wide. but the units in my kitchen are 100 x 80
Anyone help me out im going to give up otherwise...
3 réponsesSoftwareil y a 9 ansI have a problem with scale in autocad?
I haven't used autocad in years.
Now im trying to draw up a kitchen using 1000mm base units but I have no idea how to scale my drawing.
Anyone give me some advice? At the moment my units are 60 deep by 100w
1 réponseProgramming & Designil y a 9 ansanyone help with boundery wall problem?
We live on a steep hill, our neighbours garden is 7 foot higher than ours. Our side access has a boundary wall that's starting to bow due to the weight of the rain/ garden ect.
We have a 1 year old, and im not working so money is tight. Im in the middle of trying to find out who's responsibility the wall is to maintain. Im waiting for deeds to come back. The council didnt want to know, they say its not their problem. Cite zens advice gave me the number of a charity but they are not answering calls. anyone advise me on what to do?
7 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 10 anssamsung galaxy s screen is broke?
ive got a spair screen, but ive been told if the screen is black a new glass screen wont work. is this true?
1 réponseMobile Phones & Plansil y a 10 ansi think i have an underactive thyroid. Dietary help please?!?
just would love a bit of dietary help, im not over weight but i noticed im not losing weight like i used to.
I had a baby, now im loosing hair and my memory is a bit laps. I have an appointment with doc cause i want to rule out the possibility of thyroid problems.
I run 8 miles a week and im running after a toddler all day. I have cut out bread, and limit pasta. I watch what i eat and make sure i have steamed chicken and veg almost every day. I don't eat very much and im even on the Chinese tea. Ive even swapped soup to the non cream soup and made lots of small changes, still im struggling to keep the weight off. any help???
16 réponsesDiet & Fitnessil y a 10 ansDo you think toddlers know what your saying?
My little girl is 10 months, she can say mam and dad. But does she know what im saying when I say "no" or associate noises with her animal toys?
9 réponsesToddler & Preschooleril y a 10 answe are looking for an officiant to bless our vows?
we are getting married in vegas, when we come back we would like a blessing of our wedding bands. Is this possible? and does anyone know of someone who could do it for us in south wales?! uk...
2 réponsesEngagements & Weddingsil y a 10 ansWhen u send your phone to envirophone do they notify your network?
Just wanted to know?
1 réponseOther - Electronicsil y a 10 answhy wont my 6 month old baby stay in her pram?
i know she is teathing but i dread leaving the house. its always the same she screams till she is blue in the face. we have tried a diffrent pram, toys, food... its always the same.. anyone else have this problem?
3 réponsesNewborn & Babyil y a 1 décennieneed name ideas for my buisness. suggestions?
its hand made wedding cake toppers... any ideas?
4 réponsesSmall Businessil y a 1 décennieI want to make my own cake toppers. Any suggestions on what material i should use?
I am looking to add some detail so not looking to use anything edible. I want to have them as a keep sake. can anyone help? ive had experience with plastercine and primer but i think it could b to heavy and sink into cake.... help
3 réponsesHobbies & Craftsil y a 1 décennie