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Lv 736 277 points

I am Legend

Réponses favorites65%
Réponses3 606

African cichlid breeder and keeper. Extensive experience with keeping South American Arowana and Jardini, limited experience with Asian Arowana. I have a photobucket account and YouTube if the need to show my tanks is there. The best site on the internet for your fish help and advice: http://www.everything-aquatic.com/ One of my favorite movie lines is from Armageddon: "I know the President's Chief Scientific Advisor, we went to MIT together and in a situation like this, you really don't want to follow the advice of a person who got a C- in Astro Physics. I am right, the Presidents advisers are, wrong." Pytchochromis Oligocanthus spawned 3/2/09 about 300 fry estimated First Victorian fry due 4/5/09 Xistochromis Phytophagus.

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