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  • Talk about unfair taxation?

    Open letter to our government

    How dare you single us out for that excessive tax on tobacco, with the BS premise as it is for our health and the health of the children. I have been a smoker for 37 years now and would love to compare the medical costs incurred by myself, or the sick days taken over the last 37 years against any of you no smoking zealots, know what mine would be considerably less. This is an unfair tax that singles out a certain segment of the population, did you not know that this country was built on tobacco?

    The greatest single medical catastrophe that is facing this nation is obesity, recent studies show that over 60% of the population is obese, and this and the medical problems resulting from this has overtaken smoking as the number one problem in America. If that is the case and you all are so worried about our health how about taxing fast food (the number one culprit) at the same rate that you are taxing tobacco? How about the video games that prevent kids from going out and getting some exercise? How about all those sugar filled treats like ring dings etc. Why not tax those at the rate you tax us smokers? Because you would not get away with it, as it would hit too any consumers, although it would be the fair thing to do, and health wise do more for America's well being.

    This will not stop me from smoking, but it will decrease the amount of income you get as I will look for better ways to get my smokes, without paying an unfair, unconstitutional, tax imposed by a bunch of holier than though zealots. This used to be America, home of the free, Now it is America, I want to control your habits, enjoyments and your life. Kind of reminds you of the Taliban now doesn't it? Just without the religious overtones, or so it seems

    So what is your opinion

    7 réponsesOther - Politics & Governmentil y a 1 décennie
  • What if the problem with yahoo answers?

    Has anyone else experienced when looking at a question or attempting to answer one that you get the message that Yahoo is not available at this time, then when going back and re trying get this question has been deleted, then going back again finally getting your answer posted? So if your post does not go through and you get one of those problems hit backspace and post again takes two or three times but your posting will go through. My question is why the different excuses especially the one where question was deleted when it was not. Antone else having this problem? OK seems like this question is not posting

    5 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 1 décennie
  • Am 50 and my eye color has or is changing?

    Spent all my life with dark brown eyes. Over the last few years the outer 1/3 has turned gray, then clear and now is becoming blue. Never heard of this and is it normal? After 50 years of knowing the color of my eyes now am in limbo. Anyone know what is going on?

    5 réponsesOpticalil y a 1 décennie