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How do i save a picture from twitter onto my samsung galaxy ace phone?
i'm wanting to save a picture from twitter onto my phone, it's a samsung galaxy ace, thanks in advance
2 réponsesMobile Phones & Plansil y a 9 ansI am planning on buying a google nexus 7 tablet, would you recommend that i get one or something else?
I've been looking around at the kindle fire hd, the google nexus 7 and a few others and was wondering which tablet you prefer and which you would recommend i buy, bearing in mind that my budget is around the £200 mark. thanks!
5 réponsesGoogleil y a 9 ansiPod mini help?
I have an iPod mini and recently i haven't been able to listen to any of the songs on it. Whenever i go to play a song, it just starts skipping through all of the songs on the playlist or whole iPod without any songs actually being played. Has this happened to anybody and can anybody help?
3 réponsesMusic & Music Playersil y a 1 décennieHow do i put music onto my Myspace page?
I want to upload a song from my computer, so it plays on my Myspace page, so can anybody recommend any sites, or even how to do this. The song i want on my page is not on myspace music, so i can't use myspace itself to do this. Thanks in advance for any help.
8 réponsesInternetil y a 1 décennieThe Sims 2 Nintendo DS help?
I need one more mechanical point to complete to game. Does anybody know where the mechanical points are, and at what times during the day?
2 réponsesVideo & Online Gamesil y a 1 décennieA snail walks into a bar, what happens?
A snail walks into a bar on Christmas Eve and asks the barman for a pint. The barman says
'Sorry mate, we don't serve snails in here' and then picks up the snail and drop kicks him out of the door.
The following year, the snail returns and ask the barman 'What on earth did you do that for?'
31 réponsesJokes & Riddlesil y a 1 décennieWhere are the mechanical skills point situated in The Sims 2 on nintendo ds? Days times and places???
where in the hotel are they situated, what time of day and which days of the week? i've tried and tried but it's impossible to find them
3 réponsesVideo & Online Gamesil y a 1 décenniehow do you record a sound bite from a dvd using the program cyberlink power to go?
2 réponsesSoftwareil y a 1 décennie