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Pedantic Scorpion
I'm English. A trainer. A Londoner. But I live in Somerset. I like music and the countryside. I'm married. I'm a grandfather. I'm 55.
How old are you?
I'm 55 and I didn't expect to be any older than others who, on average, use Yahoo! Answers, but I get the feeling I'm way older than all of you!
9 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 1 décennieWhat does my nickname "Pod" mean to you, if anything?
It just occurred to me that people would be imagining things about me because of the name I chose, but i didn't know what!
6 réponsesOther - Society & Cultureil y a 1 décennieSergeant Pepper re-recording, when available?
The BBC have re-recorded the album with modern aritists. I've heard it on the tv and radio but no news about it being for sale at any time.
1 réponseRock and Popil y a 1 décennie