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Réponses11 478
  • Does fiber cement siding have to be repainted?

    I've read that you can repaint it if you decide you want a different color, but if you like the color can you just leave it or do you have to repaint it every few years, like wood siding?

    1 réponseMaintenance & Repairsil y a 1 décennie
  • Were there any black people at the teabag party in Washington?

    and I heard a speaker say she wanted to "take back America". what does that mean?

    3 réponsesPoliticsil y a 1 décennie
  • Where can you buy Puzz3d?

    I live in NJ.

    1 réponseToysil y a 1 décennie
  • Will ferns grow in my flower bed in New Jersey?

    Saw them at the garden store but not sure if they are for inside or outside. My yard is very shady.

    3 réponsesGarden & Landscapeil y a 1 décennie
  • Is anyone else upset that Jamie got sent home on Top Chef?

    She got canned even though her dish was better than Hosea's and Leah's, which proves the judging is a joke. I think H and L got to stay because their love affair adds plot interest.

    9 réponsesReality Televisionil y a 1 décennie
  • Check made out to deceased person?

    I received a check made out to my father who has passed away. How do I cash it?

    4 réponsesPersonal Financeil y a 1 décennie
  • Next Food Network Star--are u glad Aaron won?

    were you rooting for him? will you watch his show? I would have preferred Adam or even Lisa.

    7 réponsesCelebritiesil y a 1 décennie
  • Jon & Kate Plus 8 question...?

    has anyone else noticed that when J&K+8 is on, they always show a commercial for Life cereal featuring a family with an Asian husband and a caucasian wife and their large family? (it's not the Gosselins, it's other people.) I've never seen this commercial during any other show...this can't be a coincidence, can it? could there be a commercial custom-made for that show?

    5 réponsesReality Televisionil y a 1 décennie
  • What can be done about the talking Gap ad on Yahoo Answers?

    I haven't shopped at the Gap since, like, 1983, so I can't threaten to boycott their stores.

    1 réponseOther - Advertising & Marketingil y a 1 décennie
  • Is it healthy for a woman to give birth 16 times...?

    like Mrs. Duggar on the Discovery channel did? On that show she's always having another baby...Their website says when they were newlyweds they were on the pill and she had a miscarriage, and apparenty they are producing this huge family to relieve their guilt for that. But it just doesn't seem healthy and I wonder if her body's going to give out, like those pioneer women who didn't live past 40. Isn't there a higher probabability of cancer or other diseases when women give birth to very large families?

    5 réponsesWomen's Healthil y a 1 décennie
  • Can an air conditioner carry a virus or make you sick?

    I have an old wall A/C in my apartment...this year I've gotten a lot of bronchitis. It always seems like I get sick after sitting home in front of the air conditioner on a hot weekend.

    8 réponsesRespiratory Diseasesil y a 1 décennie
  • Can utility wires running from the pole to the front of the house be relocated?

    Where i live now has underground utilities. I was looking at a house that seems really nice except it has 2 big utility wires running from the pole by the curb, hanging across the lawn, and attaching onto the front of the house in a very visible spot. This looks ugly as hell and I wonder if I can have these wires from the pole to the house removed and run underground? How much would it cost?

    9 réponsesOther - Home & Gardenil y a 1 décennie
  • Easy way to make naan?

    I've heard you can make naan from the Pillsbury crescent rolls that pop out of the paper container when you whack it on the calendar. Anyone ever tried?

    4 réponsesEthnic Cuisineil y a 1 décennie
  • why do some scanned pictures come out tiny?

    I have been scanning a bunch of old family photos and some of the smaller, poorly focused ones come up on my screen as really tiny thumbnails. why is this? is there anything I can do to make them the same size as all the others?

    2 réponsesScannersil y a 1 décennie
  • Elevator question?

    When a bunch of people are riding an elevator, and it comes to a stop, is a man supposed to let the women get off first? What about if I am closest to the door? then, is it ok to get off first?

    11 réponsesEtiquetteil y a 1 décennie
  • how does one learn to operate a motorboat?

    I mean the sort of boat one would use on the lake in the summertime. do you go to boating school? what type of license do you need?

    7 réponsesBoats & Boatingil y a 1 décennie
  • which is easier to put in-vinyl tile or a sheet of vinyl floorcovering?

    I want to do my laundry room which is about the size of a closet. there's this ugly old tile on the floor and I was going to put the new stuff right over it. I don't want to remove the washer and dryer but want to cover the area in front of them plus about the first 12 inches underneath them. Vinyl tile is self-adhesive like a band-aid, but the sheet of floorcovering requires you to put down some sort of adhesive-right?

    4 réponsesDecorating & Remodelingil y a 1 décennie
  • What is the point of phones that chirp?

    I find them really annoying when someone in public has one and I have to listen to it--is the whole point to annoy uptight people like me?

    5 réponsesEtiquetteil y a 1 décennie
  • How much commission should I give a realtor?

    My house has been on the market for 6 months with no offers. The prices are falling in our town and I've cut the asking price several times but the competition seem to be cutting their prices even faster. My realtor's listing expired and now I'm trying to decide whether to re-list with the same realtor or use someone else. When I hired this realtor I put the commission at 5 percent instead of the standard 6. She said she would accept this but since then she has repeatedly told me the house is not selling becuase the buyers' realtors are put off by the 5 percent (of which they get 2.5 percent). She supposedly put on a special bonus for seller's agents--I never saw proof that she did---but no results from that. Now she is saying if I re-list with her I should put the comission at 6 percent. I am thinking of canning her instead. It just seems she has a conflict of interest in giving this bit of advice and I don't trust her. What should I do??

    4 réponsesRenting & Real Estateil y a 1 décennie