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i have change my head gasket!! put new water pump in and had 3 new thermostat s car will not bleed up?
so i took out my thermostat and every thing ok ? try bleeding it now for 2 weeks and no luck ? so was just thinking will it b ok to run with out thermostat for a while ? cos i sick ov it just looking at me on the drive, lol
10 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 1 décenniewill car run ok with out thermostat?
10 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 1 décennieCant unlock my Mercedes 230 CE due to flat battery?
Does anyone know how i can unlock my car door so i can release the bonnet to charge the battery. My battery is completely dead and central locking wont work.
4 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 1 décenniewhich countries did the romans invade?
I am trying to help my daughter with her homework and the topic is romans. I was just wondering if there was anyone who knew where they invaded. I have tried searching online but all it gives me is Britain. Is there any other countries??
8 réponsesHistoryil y a 1 décennieUnited National Kennel Club?
Has anybody heard of United National Kennel Club England i.e does it exist as the dog i am thinking of buying states has these papers
1 réponseDogsil y a 1 décenniehelp with finding a good digital camera?
Hi, just wondering if anyone cam tell me which is best, optical zoom or mega pixels.. been looking at cameras and found 1 which has 10 mega pixels 5 x optical and 5x digital zoom also found 1 which has less mega pixels but same optical, was wondering whether one would be a good camera to buy.. thanks
3 réponsesCamerasil y a 1 décenniedigital camera?
I'm going on holiday soon and i am needing a new digital camera. Does anybody have a recommendations on which one to buy. Can any1 help
8 réponsesCamerasil y a 1 décennierover 400 immobiliser problems?
Hi, i am having a bit of trouble with my immobiliser My battery recently went flat and my car has mobilised itself. If i short the starter motor out with the ignition on the car starts. I need to know which is the easiest way to demobilise the key so it will start if i put key in ignition without shorting the starter motor
1 réponseMaintenance & Repairsil y a 1 décenniechildcare costs?
Hi, i have just paid my sons nursery fees and noticed that istill have to pay for the days he has off due to statory holidays. i understand that the nursery nurses need paying but surely with it being a statory holiday i should not have to pay for those days.. Then it got me thinking, when December comes i'm gonna be paying for him to attend on xmas day even though we are all at home. surely this is not right
19 réponsesToddler & Preschooleril y a 1 décennieHow do you remove Lipgloss out of your hair?
Hi All,
Just a quick one, My son has just squeezed a full tube of Lipgloss and rubbed it into his hair. I have tried to wash this out with shamproo but it just wont come out. He now has a full head of sticky lipgloss.... Any1 any idea how i can get it out
25 réponsesHairil y a 1 décennieNintendo ds lite replacement case?
Hi, my daughters ds lite fell off shelf and the casing where the power lights is has brolen off leaving only 1 side of screen attached, i have tried to repair this but to no avail. i have been looking around and found you can buy a replacement casing, but was just wondering if anybody has ever tried to replace a case and if it was easy to do?
1 réponseVideo & Online Gamesil y a 1 décennieyahoo games?
is it just me or is anybody else havin trouble getting into yahoo games. i play them regular but today they dont seem to want to load.. anybody else havin problem?????????
2 réponsesOther - Yahoo Productsil y a 1 décenniewhat is the name of this duck?
i just been to the duck pond near my home with my son and seen an unusual looking duck, can anyone tell me what species it is and where they come from...
8 réponsesBirdsil y a 1 décennieonline shopping?
does anybody know of any reasonable priced clothes sites that also ship to the uk. i have just found one in the usa but they dont ship to uk..... thanks
7 réponsesFashion & Accessoriesil y a 1 décenniejoke .... very funny?
a little girl goes 2 barbers with her dad & stands next 2 chair eating a cake whilst her dad gets haircut. barber smiles & says "you'll get hair on ya muffin." "i know" she says, "i'm gonna get t!ts an all u dirty bastrd
20 réponsesJokes & Riddlesil y a 1 décenniemy 22 month old son swallows his tongue?
if my 22 month old son does not get what he wants he starts screaming, and when he gets really bad he holds his breath and ends up swallowing his tongue.. its happened twice now but the last time it happened he went floppy and really scared us.. every time he cries we are constantly worrying that he'll do it again. please dont reply with stupid answers as this is a serious question.
16 réponsesToddler & Preschooleril y a 1 décennieengine light?
when i drive the car the neddle to my battery goes right to the top like it is over charging wot could b the problem could it b the alternator.or something other (thanks )
4 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 1 décenniehow to stop puppy growling when its picked up?
10 réponsesDogsil y a 1 décennie