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Why is there a red title on my cyber end dragon yugioh card?
The card is not first edition or limited edition plus the silver square is in the correct position.
1 réponseCard Gamesil y a 7 ansI need a wifi driver for my laptop.?
I am using a Samsung R620 with windows 7 ultimate, I need a driver so that I can use the in built wifi. Can someone send me the link to the driver I need?
3 réponsesAdd-onsil y a 8 ansDoes the samsung r620 laptop have built in bluetooth?
1 réponseLaptops & Notebooksil y a 8 ansHow does Virgin Atlantic cater to Ethnic and Religious groups?
(Detailed answers are preferred).
1 réponseOther - Cultures & Groupsil y a 9 ansHow many hospitals are there within the city of Palma?
Not the entire island just the city.
2 réponsesOther - Spainil y a 9 ansMacaw life expectancies?
How long will these three birds live for:
Spix's Macaw
Scarlet Macaw
Blue and gold Macaw
3 réponsesBirdsil y a 9 ansFirst pet bird suggestions?
I am going to get a bird but im not sure what to get, i am interested in macaws but they live to be about 100 years so there is a chance they could out live me. I am also interested in Love birds but im not sure about them either because if i only get one it might get bored or lonely, however if i get two they would all over each other and completely forgetting except for when it comes to food.
My mind isn't set on these birds so i will appreciate any suggestions, and don't worry I will be adopting the bird and i know where i can get food for one.
Please help.
6 réponsesBirdsil y a 9 ansMovie recommendations for my family?
I need to find an animated movie for me and my family to watch, nothing like winnie the pooh or thomas the tank engine.
8 réponsesMoviesil y a 9 ansUtorrent, illegal or not?
If it is illegal to use Utorrent then why does it exist with websites made for it, for example Isohunt or or piratebay.
5 réponsesSecurityil y a 9 ansHow can I use Utorrent legally?
I have been using Utorrent for a while now to download movies with no worries at all, however recently i have been told that i could in a lot of trouble if i dont have an extra program, but i dont have any idea what it is. If anyone knows the program i need to get then please tell me.
9 réponsesOther - Internetil y a 9 ansWhat is the value of a british 1963 half penny?
I have a british 1963 half penny with a boat design on it and I can't find out its value anywhere. Some help would be greatly appreciated.
1 réponseOther - Business & Financeil y a 1 décennieWhat is the name of the closest galaxy to the milky way?
7 réponsesAstronomy & Spaceil y a 1 décennieHow do we seperate nitrogen from the air?
2 réponsesPhysicsil y a 1 décennieWhat is a gene? I need the definition of it?
5 réponsesBiologyil y a 1 décennieWhen will th play station network come back online (2011)?
Im worried about my psn and bank account so can anyone when its coming back on?
6 réponsesVideo & Online Gamesil y a 1 décennieWhere can I download free movies?
Where can I download movies without having to set up a membership or use a credit card or use my phones credit or use any payment methods, oh no subscriptions. Please help?
7 réponsesMoviesil y a 1 décenniehow many kills do i need on cod6 to get a tactical nuke?
i really want get a nuke so i can beat all my freinds in one shot (including myself), how many kills do i need?
1 réponseGovernmentil y a 1 décenniehow do i lock on to something such as uav with the at4 rpg on cod6 mw2 for the ps3?
this is really annmoying my freind keeps using stuff like uav's and harriers i would shoot them down but i don't know how to lock on to them, please help, but remember i need the ps3 controls and not the xbox or pc. can someone please help?
2 réponsesVideo & Online Gamesil y a 1 décennie