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What would a Langstrom 7-inch Gangly wrench be used for?
2 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 1 décennieCan a remote control airplane be recovered?
I have an old balsa covered model and want to know if it's possible to recover (with mylar)
and are there any tricks to taking off the old plastic?
2 réponsesHobbies & Craftsil y a 1 décennieWhat kind of flower is this?
I've spent hours trying to find the names of these two flowers, can anyone help?
Thanks for looking
2 réponsesGarden & Landscapeil y a 1 décennieCan a woman cut her own hair?
I am looking for websites or sources of information for how a woman
can cut her own hair. Anyone know of any?
8 réponsesHairil y a 1 décennieWomen only...if your man was a vehicle, what would he be?
My wife says I'm a minivan...lol! (guess that means I'm big,
clumsy, maybe a bit useful...not too fast :-) [could be anything
from a tricycle to a 18 wheeler!...have fun!]
7 réponsesOther - Family & Relationshipsil y a 1 décennie