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  • word sélectionne plus de texte que je ne le veux...?

    Bonjour, quand je travaille sous word et que je veux sélectionner une partie de texte, word étend souvent ma sélection vers la droite ou la gauche incluant des lettres ou de smots que je ne souhaite pas sélectionner.

    Ce qui m'oblige à ensuite resélectionner une partie pour changer le formattage indésiré.

    Y a-t-il un moyen de faire cesser cela?

    Dans les options ou autre?


    3 réponsesLogicielsil y a 1 décennie
  • which meal replacement do you advise?

    Hi! I need some advice. I am looking for a meal replacement. I tried slim fast, but it wasn't good for me! Just needed to eat just afetr it. I am on USANA nutrimeal but they are very very expensice and the delivery cost is also awful!

    So can somebody help me? I need a low GI, very low sugar etc... I don't really mind the taste. Just I need it to be efficient.

    (I just want to add that I am alreday on low gi food, and I exercice 30 minutes everyday.)


    3 réponsesDiet & Fitnessil y a 1 décennie
  • aux mamans d'une quarantaine d'années....?

    quels sites visitez vous quotidiennement sur le net?

    question sérieuse...réponses sérieuses uniquement, s'il vous plait.


    3 réponsesInternet - Diversil y a 1 décennie
  • Where do you buy your bulbs, plants, turf rolls and pots for you garden?

    I would like to invest in some plants and flower but with a low budget: what do you advise?

    9 réponsesGarden & Landscapeil y a 1 décennie
  • Where do you buy your bulbs, plants, turf rolls and pots for you garden?

    I would like to invest in some plants and flower but with a low budget: what do you advise?

    2 réponsesGarden & Landscapeil y a 1 décennie
  • Good morning everybody, I would like to go contract for mobile broadband for my laptop but....?

    But before signing a contract for 18 month I would like to know if some of you have it, and how happy you are with it!

    Thank you!

    2 réponsesComputer Networkingil y a 1 décennie
  • Ou pourrais-je télécharger un morceau des Tambours du Bronx?

    Je n'ai pas un morceau particulier en tête, le voudrais le mettre en ouverture d'un site, mais je n'ai jamais téléchargé de music alors je ne sais pas trop que faire, j'ai l'impression de perdre beaucoup de temps a chercher.


    4 réponsesMusique - Diversil y a 1 décennie
  • Damp inside the bedroom on a corner, broken tile on the roof?

    Hi, I have a big problem damp inside the bedroom that is at the corner of my house.

    The damp comes from the top of the wall and comes down in the shape of a triangle.

    Gutters have been cleaned! But the problem worsen when it rains.

    Somebody told me I have a broken tile on my roof. But this tile is not on the corner but 3 meters away on the front!

    Can this broken tile cause damp on the corner, so far away from it?

    Or does this mean I have a problem with my roof on the corner as well?

    Thank you

    8 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 1 décennie
  • double glazing film and condensation?

    In my home, not all the windows are double glazed. Only 3, and the other 4 are single glazed.

    So to save energy I bought and install a kind of double glazing film I found in a DIY store.

    Now I think that there is less condensation on those windows but more on the wall and corners inside those rooms.

    Can anybody see a reason for this?

    5 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 1 décennie
  • to heat same amount of water (my cylindre tank) do I use same amount of KW in gas than electricity? So I can c?

    I am looking for the cheaper way to heat my hot water: electricity or gas?

    My cylidre can be heat up either with one or the other. I am using electricity but I can see on my bill that the price of KWh for gas is really cheper that the KWh for my electricity?

    Buit to be able to compare I must be sure that I would use same amount of KWh while heating with one or the other.

    So can I compare with way or not?

    I s it cheaper to heat water with gas when gKWh for gas is cheaper?

    Thank you.

    6 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 1 décennie
  • problem with hot water and central heating...?

    In my home the hot water is coming from a cylindre and can be heat either by electricity or gas (by the boiler used for central heating).

    Actually I heat the water with electricity (this is because the water is hoter this way).

    But as we are now using the central heating I think than I should heat the hot water using the gas at the same time, to save energy (and money). So yesterday I used the switch that is just with the switch for central heating, and then.... my central heating started to over heat, although the room thermostat was as usual.

    To stop the boiler heating I had to switch it off from the plug!

    So my question is: was my idea good to heat my water and my home with the boiler at same time?

    What is the good way to use this system? Should I use electricity or gas to heat water, or leave both switch on?

    Thank you for your help as I am a bit lost!

    2 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 1 décennie
  • I s kidding during an emergency stop a minor or major fault?

    Today I did some emergency stops with my instructor and I find it very difficult to avoid skidding.

    The road was wet, but it was sunny.

    The car stayed straight, but skidded forward 50 cm.

    We tried to use the clutch sooner or later but it was skidding anyway.

    The car is a Yaris.

    So question: is skidding a major or minor fault?

    How to avoid it?

    Thank you

    17 réponsesSafetyil y a 1 décennie
  • where can I find a list of essay topics for English language GCSE?

    I found plenty of website proposing to write the essays for me but this is not what I need! I just need a list of different and various topics!

    Do you have any idea?

    4 réponsesStandards & Testingil y a 1 décennie
  • Un clic au niveau de la pédale, je n'arrive pas a savoir d'où cela vient, aidez-moi!?


    j'ai un véllo de ville femme assez récent dont je suis très contente, mais depuis quelques jours, à chaque tour de pédale j'entends un clac au niveau de la pédale.

    Quand je ne suis pas sur le vélo et que je fais tourner la pédale, rien de se passe, tout va bien!

    Mais quand je suis dessus et que j'appuie avec mes pieds, à chaque tour vient ce clac, et plus je dois appuyer fort, plus le clac est fort!

    J'ai essayé de savoir d'où cela vient, impossible à trouver! Tout semble être ok au niveau de mes pédales, rien n'est desserré!

    Vous auriez une idée?

    3 réponsesCyclismeil y a 1 décennie
  • Information about IGCSE english language, as private candidate?

    My home educated son is going to sit his GCSE in June 2008.

    As private candidate it is very difficult to find an examen center.

    I just heard about IGCSE. I found an exam center in Harrogate.

    But I would like to know if anybody knows more about this IGCSE in english language.

    Firts: is there a speaking test (as the exam center will not provide teacher for any speaking test!)

    What are the fees (exam center fees and examination board fees).

    And any other info is is welcomed!


    3 réponsesHome Schoolingil y a 1 décennie
  • In Robin Hobb Tawny Man, does the Fool die?

    I am reading those books in french but I still can't find the last book.

    But I can't wait to know: Does the Fool die at the end?


    2 réponsesBooks & Authorsil y a 1 décennie
  • what is the best way to heat my water? Gas or electricity?

    Hi, we are a french family of 7 people (2 adults, 3 teens and and 2 littles ones) living in a 3 bedroomed semi detached house.

    My hot water is comming from a tank. i have two ways to heat the tank: electricity (and the tank is filled up and reheat each time we use some hot water), or by gas (and in this case either I switch once a day to heat up all the tank or I let it switched on).

    We don't have this kind of system in France so I don't really know what is the best way, and the cheapest , to heat the hot water!

    I add that the central heating uses gas!

    Thank you to help!

    9 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 1 décennie
  • Need help understanding task set for my pre-enrolment art project.?

    In order to take art course at college, i need to complete certain tasks. I more or less understand what the first task is about, but the end of the exercise confuses me. Here it is:

    Make a black and white tonal drawing of a group of personal objects. The drawing should be no smaller than A3 and it should focus on a variety of shapes and surface qualities. For example try to select a combination of shiny objects, dull and matt objects, transparent objects, rough or textured objects etc. Do not draw the whole set-up, but select an interesting detail that allows you to explore lots of different mark-making techniques.

    The last sentence confuses me. Could someone please tell me what it more or less is saying?

    Thank you in advance.

    4 réponsesDrawing & Illustrationil y a 1 décennie
  • Is it compulsory to wear a helmet while cycling in town?

    Yesterday my boy who is 15, has been stopped by a police officer while cycling and he was told that he had to wear a helmet and that next time he would be fined!!!

    I tried to check on the internet but couldn't find: Is there really a;law telling that it is compulsory to wear an helmet while cycling to go to school or shopping?

    Thank you very much to any help!

    11 réponsesCyclingil y a 1 décennie
  • which radio to be able to listen french radio from England (Manchester)?

    I would like to know which characteristics I have to find out on a radio to be able to listen some French radio station from England (Manchester).

    I already bought few radios but never one which would allow that.

    Thanks for your help

    4 réponsesOther - Electronicsil y a 1 décennie