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Putlocker and other video hosts will not load?
Megashare, putlocker, sockshare, etc. None of them load. The buffering seems to be working, but nothing ever happens. I left it on once for 30 minutes and nothing happened. I'm sure there's a plug-in or something missing from my computer. Any help?
1 réponseSoftwareil y a 9 ansI want to embed a recorder to my website....?
Alright, I am the proud owner of a free online RPG. What I want to do is, give my members the option to read their own writings into an online recorder, right there on the site. Once the recording is done, I want a "play" button to appear at the bottom of each post. I'm having trouble finding a hosted/embeded play/record box, as well as an audio hosting site. Mind you, the site is free, therefore I would need all these new improvements to be free as well. Please let me know what you have.
1 réponseProgramming & Designil y a 1 décennieCopywrited Video Hosting?
Does anyone know a site that will all it's users to upload Copywrited Movies/T.V. Shows for free?
1 réponseProgramming & Designil y a 1 décennieIs Buffy the Vampire Slayer Over, or still going Strong?
I've been seeing a ton of fan sites out there dedicated to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I was wondering. Do you think Buffy is a thing of the Past? Or do you think Joss set the tempo for Shows similar to Buffy?
Also, if you're a buffy fan please visit my site. It's a free RPG for Btvs.
8 réponsesTelevisionil y a 1 décennieHow would you go about....?
promoting a web site you've just created. It's a rpg for buffy the vampire slayer, how would you promote it for members? http://phe03yahoocom.proboards76.com/ thanks in advance.
1 réponseVideo & Online Gamesil y a 1 décennieRacism....?
On all the talk shows people are saying we need to talk about the racisim. I understand that problems do not get solved by being quiet about them, But it's a friggin' "talk show" How do you think talking about racisim will help all races?
10 réponsesOther - Cultures & Groupsil y a 1 décennieBashing Christianity?
why is everyone bashing christianity? people are people. If you have a bad encounter with a white person, do you automatically assume that all white people act that way? Not all Christians are evil and forcing their religion upon you. As a person, and not as a Christian, I believe that all "people" (not religions) who discriminate against another religion should be called prejudice, and I think you all suck!
26 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennie