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Mortgage broker and real estate investor. Buy and sell residential and commercial properties. Secure residential and commercial mortgages.
Who wrote the book of Genesis in the bible?
If there were no one on earth and god was making things such as the heavens and earth, man, animals and oceans and such. Who recorded this information to write it in Genesis since no one was here until god made Adam. By the time he made Adam, he had created a lot of things. We know that he had created the animals, the earth and heavens.
11 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 9 ansHouse Purchase without a bank or lender loan?
In the event you could not qualify for a bank or mortgage lender loan which, in your opinion would be the best alternative method to purchase a house?
1. The current owner financing the house carrying the mortgage note while placing you on the title deed?
2.A rent to own?
3.A lease with an option to purchase?
4 réponsesRenting & Real Estateil y a 9 ansEscrow Closing company or Attorney?
Do your state use an escrow closing company or do an attorney act as the escrow closing agent to close real estate transactions such as purchase and refinance of property? What state do you reside in?
1 réponseRenting & Real Estateil y a 10 ans