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If you need any help, I am active at FishlessCycling.com http://www.fishlesscycling.com/forum

  • What are your tips or suggestions on having a pretty planted tank?

    What are your tips or suggestions on having a lush, pretty planted tank?

    -Example: Plant Arrangement, Plant Species, Rock Placements and Driftwood Palcements?

    8 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennie
  • I need help re-decorating my tank.?


    What can I do to make my tank look better (that was a litle old bad that still how it look like) and interms of fish?

    Plants: I have an Amazon Sword Plant, Cryptocryne wendtti and Anacharis

    Fish: 1 Platy, 2 Neon Tetras and 1 Cory

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    3 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennie
  • Friend Problem?

    I am having a problem with my friends. One of them is my GF and my other one is my best friend. They basically hate each other and they talk about each other. I want to be friends with both of them and I want them to be friends with each other. My GF said bad things about my best friend and my GF was too self absorb. What should I do? Should I break up with her because she said those mean things to my best friend?

    2 réponsesFriendsil y a 1 décennie
  • The more plants the better?

    If I have more plants, would I be able to have more fish in the tank?

    Would plants help keep stability in terms of pH?

    5 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennie
  • Green Algae Problems?

    I recently purchased 2, 40 watts Compact fluorescent light. Since then, I started growing algae in my 10 gallon tank. . What can I do to take the algae out or what can I put so the alage is eaten?

    I only have 1 platy, 2 neons, and 1 cory.

    3 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennie
  • HOB Fitler?

    Okay, so basically, when the water from my HOB filter hits the surface of the water, it creates bubbles. I don't like the look of the bubbles when it lands. What can I do or block the water fall so it doesn't make bubbles? I also don't want the speed of the flow to be decreased.

    5 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennie
  • If I add another filter to my tank, what should I get?

    I have a 10 gallon tank. Currently, I have two neon tetras, one platy and one cory. I am planning on having a planted tank. I am planning on getting these fish next: 4 kuhli loaches, 5 phantom or emperor tetras.

    I have an AquaClear 20 HOB, if I add another filter to my tank, what would you recommend.

    4 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennie
  • How do you take care of Kuhli Loaches?

    Before I get Kuhli Loaches I need some info:

    Are they easy to take care of?

    How big should the tank be?

    What are some compatible tankmates?

    Do they serve any help in a sanded community tank?

    Do you have them in your community tank?

    What do you feed them?

    4 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennie
  • Tetras and Barb Community Tank?

    I want a tetra-barb community tank. I think they are awesome. I have a 10 gallon tank with 2 neons, 1 platy and 1 cory. What species of barb and tetra would you recommend?

    4 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennie
  • Which would be the best choice for my community tank?

    I have a 10 gallon fish tank that I am planning on re-decorating. Currently, I have 1 platy, 1 elegant cory and 2 neon tetras. I want to have 4 kuhli loaches and 6 tetras.

    Which of these tetras would be the best choice for my community tank?

    Emperor Tetras

    Black Phantom Tetras

    Buenos-Aires Tetra

    Bleeding Heart Tetras

    Thanks for voting

    If you have any other fish that you can think of, don't be shy to tell me.

    2 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennie
  • What's in your 10 Gallon Fish Tank?

    Im gathering fish ideas here

    18 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennie
  • Aquarium Fish Tank Re-Decorations?

    I recently had a major ich and fungal breakout. Im planning on re-starting my tank. But, I would need to keep the same fish. I have 1 platy, 1 cory and 2 neons that survived. My parents won't let me return the fish or give the fish to my school tank. After I have cycled the tank and re-decorate it, would it be possible to house, 6 phantoms and 4 Kuhli Loaches with the fish I have?

    3 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennie
  • How can I take the best picture with my fish tank?


    I am having touble taking pictures of my fish tank. I have a Canon PowerShot A520 and either the flash is making the tank look bad or the light is too bright. What should I do?

    12 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennie
  • Centerpiece Fish?


    I am planning on re-setting my tank and re-cycling it. I am planning on keeping 6 Phatom Tetras and 4 Kuhli Loaches. I need some sort of centerpiece fish. What do you think would be the best centerpiece fish.

    4 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennie
  • Bamboo Shrimp Feeding and Phytoplankton?

    1] How do phytoplanktons get in the aquarium for the bamboo shrimp to feed on?

    2] How can I make sure I have phytoplanktons?

    3] What can I feed Bamboo Shrimps besides that phytoplanktons that the aquarium system has so I can make sure the bamboo shrimps are eating?

    4] Are phytoplanktons only saltwater organisms?

    5 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennie
  • Dead Baby Platies?

    Recently, I had a fungal breakout. I had two platies, two cherry barbs, two neons and three cories. Then, two cories died. I am treating the tank with meds and heat. While I was changing the water, I saw these small white things near plants and on the gravel. I instantly knew that they were platy babies and the platy fry were dead. What do you think caused my platy fry to die?

    2 réponsesFishil y a 1 décennie