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Can you catch hepatitis from kissing?
1 réponseInfectious Diseasesil y a 8 ansWhere can I find english translations for the Portuguese Fado songs of Amalia Rodriguez?
I love her haunting music but I don't know what the songs are saying.
2 réponsesOther - Musicil y a 8 ansIs the full moon a helper or a hindrance to pregnancy?
A friend started in vitro implantation today. I just saw a full moon outside. What do the old wives tales and folklore say about the full moon and its relation to those who are trying to get pregnant?
2 réponsesPregnancyil y a 9 ansHow do I view tv without a cable or satellight connection?
I can't afford cable or satelight. I just want to get the netowrks so I can watch the news and maybe some evening programs.
I bought an antenna with rabbit ears but my tv said no signal. I have a small digital hdtv.
3 réponsesTiVO & DVRsil y a 10 ansWhere can I get the music from the trailer?
"It's Complicated." The film w/ Meryl Streep. In the trailer for this film, I can hear this great song in the background. I'd like to purchase it but ?? Some of the words are, "...you got me begging you for mercy...." When I look it up, I get the oldies list from the whole film, but it's not there.
1 réponseMoviesil y a 1 décennieMy cat's eyes were swollen, weepy and foggy. There seems to be a membrane coming across them.?
Sometimes her eyes get crossed. She's been this way since superbowl weekend. I don't want to take her back to the vet (we think that may be where this started). She might have been left in a room that got too hot or some other animal could have given her a bug. They gave her her shots at the same time. She seems to be slowly improving, but i wonder if she might be going blind. Anyone out there have advice?
3 réponsesCatsil y a 1 décennieWhy did the American slaves adopt the god of their enslavers?
And why do they continue to be faithful to that god? Some were followers of Allah. I would think they would reject the teachings of people who kept them supressed. They certainly haven't let the Americans forget the torment they suffered. It doesn't make sense to worship the same god as someone who was cruel to you and forced you to work for no pay, separated families, and beat their ancestors.
I'm an atheist, but I'd like to know why, anyway.
18 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieHow can I decorate a big slanted wall?
My living room has a very sloped ceiling. One side of the room is where the staircase is, the opposite wall is slanted. What can I do with that? (English cottage looking house.) I don't know where to begin. Can you help?
5 réponsesDecorating & Remodelingil y a 1 décennieOur indoor/ outdoor cat still has fleas?
Is there anything better than advantage? She still has fleas. We put it on her once a month. Am I doing it wrong? Should I Use something else along with it?
6 réponsesCatsil y a 1 décennieWhen you saw Love in the Time of Cholera?
...did you feel like you were on a plane that never quite lifted off? The end was disappointing.
1 réponseMoviesil y a 1 décennieDoes anyone remember the movie "The Queen of Blood"?
It was an oldie sci -fi.
1 réponseMoviesil y a 1 décennieJust for fun: What movie is this from and who said it and where?
"Lawsy, we sho is rich now."
1 réponseMoviesil y a 1 décennieWhat's your favorite love it/ hate it movie of all time?
4 réponsesMoviesil y a 1 décennieWhat's your favorite line from Conan the Barbarian?
1 réponseMoviesil y a 1 décennieWhere online can I watch Young Lady Chatterly for free?
1 réponseMoviesil y a 1 décennieWhat is your favorite scene from the movie The Others?
3 réponsesMoviesil y a 1 décennieWhat's the best surprise ending you ever saw?
4 réponsesMoviesil y a 1 décennieWhat is your favorite line from Scarface?
3 réponsesMoviesil y a 1 décennieIn Dr. Zhivago, what was the name of Uri's wife?
1 réponseMoviesil y a 1 décennie