Le 4 mai 2021, la plateforme Yahoo Questions/Réponses fermera. Elle est désormais accessible en mode lecture seule. Aucune modification ne sera apportée aux autres sites ou services Yahoo, ni à votre compte Yahoo. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur l'arrêt de Yahoo Questions/Réponses et sur le téléchargement de vos données sur cette page d'aide.
Deb G aka The Mumdertaker x
This is my swan song, I can't be bothered anymore. Go outside and feel the wind on your face, this isn't a place for friendships. For everyone of you that pretend you don't care about what people think of you, you are the most deluded liars of all. And to think that I thought I needed to fit in with you saddos. Goodbye to the decent handful, hope you realise one day that there is more to life than best answers from twats who think they are something special. Now piss off and live.
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