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Réponses favorites34%

If tomorrow never comes. If I knew it would be the last time That I'd see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly And pray the Lord, your soul to keep If I knew it would be the last time That I see you walk out the door I would give you a hug and kiss And call you back for one more For surely there's always tomorrow To make up for an oversight And we always get a second chance To make everything right There will always be another day To say "I love you" But ... Tomorrow is not promised to anyone Young or old alike And today may be the last chance you get To hold your loved one tight So if you're waiting for tomorrow Why not do it today? For if tomorrow never comes You'll surely regret the day That you didn't take that extra time For a smile, a hug, a kiss To grant your loved ones Tell them how much you love them And that you'll always hold them dear And if tomorrow never comes You'll have no regret about today

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