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  • Has anyone been to Madrid on holiday and visited the large theme park ?

    I am wondering if Madrid is an ideal place to go on holiday. Ive been to many of the usual Spanish holiday resorts. My 13 year old son suggested Madrid as it has a huge Warner Brothers theme park. We've been to Port Aventura and Terra Mitica theme parks so he wants to go somwehere different. Anyone been and can suggest where to stay etc ?

    5 réponsesAmusement Parksil y a 1 décennie
  • Did you know my mother-in-law got beat up by 6 yobs ?

    My neighbour said '' oh my goodness, are you going to help??'' I said '' NO!!! 6 will be enough ''

    3 réponsesJokes & Riddlesil y a 1 décennie
  • Is Simon Cowell anti - Scottish ???

    The fact that every week he mentioned that the McDonald brothers were Scottish .... does he ever mention the nationality of the others? Then he tries to cover up by saying '' I'm half Scottish '' What's that got to do with the performance of a group? Why even mention the fact they are Scottish? Does anyone else reckon he doesn't like the Scots for some reason ?

    15 réponsesTelevisionil y a 1 décennie
  • What did you dream about last night ?

    I seem to have the same recurring dream that I am trying to escape from war planes which are dropping bombs. I am terrified in these dreams and wake up still shaking. My dreams always seem to have me 'escaping' from something or someone.

    17 réponsesPsychologyil y a 1 décennie
  • Did you hear that the carrot died ?

    There was a big 'turnup' at the funeral !!

    19 réponsesJokes & Riddlesil y a 1 décennie
  • Julia ????

    Attention seeker? How on earth does this woman ( or man takin the p*ss) get away with this ? He/She pops up everywhere with the most ridiculous answers. I think you need to go get a life Julia !!!

    14 réponsesPsychologyil y a 1 décennie
  • How can I prevent spiders coming into my house?

    I am absolutely terrified of spiders. I cannot go near them at all. If there is one within 6 feet of me, I scream. I can't hoover them up, stamp on them, put them on paper/glass to throw out, the long length bug catcher etc .. nothing will make me go near them. I have heard that putting chestnuts on your window-sills prevents them from coming in as they do not like the smell of chestnuts. Anyone tried that? or any other remedies?

    13 réponsesOther - Home & Gardenil y a 1 décennie
  • The ''Borat'' movie?

    Is the Borat movie worth going to see and is it too ''adult'' for my 14 year old son? Im no prude, although I do monitor what he can watch. It's 'cert 15' although does anyone think it should be an 'cert 18' ? I'd just like some advice before we go.

    9 réponsesMoviesil y a 1 décennie
  • Is the Davina McCall workout any good ?

    Im looking for a workout DVD as I have no time to go to a gym and would love to tone up. I've heard the Davina McCall is a good one. Does anyone know of any that do some quick tone up exercises, that really WORK !!!

    13 réponsesDiet & Fitnessil y a 1 décennie