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Lv 2372 points

Lara C

Réponses favorites14%
  • What should I buy for my birthday?

    My birthday is coming up and since I am going to spend it alone this year, I want to treat myself to something nice, but I have no idea what!

    Help please!!!

    7 réponsesOther - Holidaysil y a 1 décennie
  • Why are men scared of some women?

    My friends (mainly) tell me that I am an intimidating kind of girl, and most of them told me they had been scared to talk to me before we became friends, for fear that I would "reject" them.

    Thing is I've been told the same thing by some of my ex boyfriends.

    So I was wondering, what is it that could get you guys to think "Nope, I won't even try, she is going to reject me anyway"

    Just for info I'm not ugly (or so people say lol), I'm just the shy, mysterious type of girl.

    10 réponsesSingles & Datingil y a 1 décennie