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Introducing Hailey born feb 26 3:29 am 6lbs 2.5 oz she came 3 1/2 weeks early. 36 YR OLD ROCKER CHICK. If you would like to view Hunter 's memorial page or just read his story the link is as follows: http://huntersmom15.tripod.com/
Been gone for awhile have i missed anything important?
7 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennieShould i kill my husband for not calling me for 6 days while on the road or just ignore him when he finally?
decides to? any opinions?
7 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennieWhat have i missed since ive been gone?
6 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennieWhat are the names of cleaveland and joes wives on family guy?
2 réponsesTelevisionil y a 1 décennieDo you need a miracle right now? cause i sure do.?
4 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieSIDS parents...did any of you use a sids montior with a subsequent child?
did it make it more stressful for you or easier. i have a 6 yr old daughter and i lost my son Hunter to sids at 11 days of age in 05. we are expecting a little girl in 5 weeks and am torn as to whether or not i want the monitor. iknow it will scare my oldest daughter and i know the odds of it happening again are slim...just wondering what your experiences were like... thanks in advance
4 réponsesParentingil y a 1 décennieEast end toronto. anybody know of any houses for rent 3bedrooms in the east end?
which allow pets and have all utiliteis included for under 1400? We need to move there is mold in the place we are living and i have a child and one on the way.....any ideas? i have tried rentersnews etc....
6 réponsesTorontoil y a 1 décennieHow many weeks pregnant am i now? i keep getting conflicting answers from my Dr's.?
i concevievd on june 19 and my due date is now march 19, i am figuring out to be about 34-35 weeks?
11 réponsesPregnancyil y a 1 décennieDo you really care what others think of you or do you take everything to heart?
15 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennieWould you lose your mind if your cable and internet were cut off for late payment?
or would you just deal with it ?
48 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennieWhere the heck did my pic go to? it will not show link to my 36o either...are you having the same problems?
though i can find my 360 page it jsut does not show the link, yet when i go to edit my profile it shows it there...hmmm strange
11 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennieWeird, my 360 link will not show and neither will my pic all of a sudden?
yet when i go to edit it shows the link, and i can access my 360....anybody else having this problem?
7 réponsesYahoo Profilesil y a 1 décennieRead any good prison biographies or true crime books lately?
9 réponsesBooks & Authorsil y a 1 décennieFound out the sex of our new baby, should i tell my sister or let her find out in 8 weeks?
if she is having a nephew or a niece? or should i be nice and tell her...opinions needed...thanks
6 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennieDo you hold a grudge?
20 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennieDo you think stars are really going to determine interesting questions?
or do you think it is just another way for people to get noticed for strange q's?
18 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 1 décennieHas anyone else been having problems seeing comments on 360 page?
keep getting emails saying that people ahve been posting new comments but yet they are days old.....
5 réponsesYahoo Profilesil y a 1 décennieWhat happended to hoops who won flavor of love 1? Why did they break up?
and yes i know there is a season two just curious what happened.
2 réponsesTelevisionil y a 1 décennieDOes this sound like food poisoning or the flu?
i am 7 months pregnent btw. woke up this a.m with violent heartburn, which turned into vomiting for a few hours, chills, etx...ate some soup last night without checking the date on the can, in turn found out it expired in aug of 2006. my hubby says the flu is going around also. i still think it was food posioning....the nauseua has calmed down by taking morning sickness pills, what do you think i have...
6 réponsesInfectious Diseasesil y a 1 décennieViolent vomiting..7 months pregnent....?
started with bad heartburn and then projectile vomiting. could it be food poisoning? this is my 3rd pregency and i have never been so violently ill this far along....
2 réponsesPregnancyil y a 1 décennie