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What does it take to be a pilot........???????
Hi, I am Muhammad Izzat from Malaysia...well
can anyone descibe what is pilot job
for me...I dont think result will be a
problem for me...and I have required
the height required as well as very
good in my eye sight...so can anyone
tell me more about pilot??? describe
more..example:(the course-how many
years? at where? how much it cost),
(-the year needed for second officer
to move to first officer as well to
captain and of the salary), and many
more...I would be very grateful if
anyone could help me.....this year I
am form 5....the more things u tell me
about pilot, the better it
is.....thank u...now I am quite
confused of either to take course as a
pilot or take course for
engineering...so I hope that people can
help me...thank u.....u can reply me at
(Real_Cyberz@yahoo.com)as soon as
possible... Thank you....
5 réponsesAircraftil y a 1 décennieWhat does it take to be a pilot....????
Hi, I am Muhammad Izzat from Malaysia...well
can anyone descibe what is pilot job
for me...I dont think result will be a
problem for me...and I have required
the height required as well as very
good in my eye sight...so can anyone
tell me more about pilot??? describe
more..example:(the course-how may
years? at where? how much it cost),
(-the year needed for second officer
to move to first officer as well to
captain and of the salary), and many
more...I would be very grateful if
anyone could help me.....this year I
am form 5....the more things u tell me
about pilot, the better it
is.....thank u...now I am quite
confused of either to take course as a
pilot or take course for
engineering...so I hope that people can
help me...thank u.....u can reply me at
(Real_Cyberz@yahoo.com)as soon as
possible... Thank you....
5 réponsesHigher Education (University +)il y a 1 décennieWhat does it take to be a pilot....????
Hi, I am Muhammad Izzat from Malaysia...well
can anyone descibe what is pilot job
for me...I dont think result will be a
problem for me...and I have required
the height required as well as very
good in my eye sight...so can anyone
tell me more about pilot??? describe
more..example:(the course-how may
years? at where? how much it cost),
(-the year needed for second officer
to move to first officer as well to
captain and of the salary), and many
more...I would be very grateful if
anyone could help me.....this year I
am form 5....the more things u tell me
about pilot, the better it
is.....thank u...now I am quite
confused of either to take course as a
pilot or take course for
engineering...so I hope that people can
help me...thank u.....u can reply me at
(Real_Cyberz@yahoo.com)as soon as
possible... Thank you....
4 réponsesHigher Education (University +)il y a 1 décennie